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IMiS/OCR Server 9.x.1912
IMiS/OCR Server
This IMiS/OCR Server release is a service pack of the previous release. New features include reloading OCR engine when running out of memory error is detected and a restriction on pdf input files. Pdf files that have no images are now skipped. This was due to the fact that pdf come in all sorts and can affect the stability of the service. This release also fixes a deadlock in the Console that could happen after the start of the service and some minor memory leaks fixes. You are welcome to try our demo IMiS/OCR Server at
. Note that the service is not available for emails from public domains, but you may request access to test its performance. For more information contact us at
IMiS/OCR Server Service:
What's new:
* new: Reload OCR engine on E_OUTOFMEMORY error (applies to 9.5.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Process PDF only when images are detected using imispdfa.dll (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Added imispdfa.dll library to server info (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Stop server when OCR engine license limitation is reached (applies to 9.6.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Creating process and cleaner thread only for active webservice jobs on service start (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Logging skipped jobs or no jobs messages (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed loading and freeing FREngine in TOCREngine class (applies to 9.5.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Setting console last check timestamp to server response date (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed FineReader engine to OCR engine in resource strings (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: TDateTime conversion methods from local to XML and vice versa (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed implementation of TStringsHelper methods (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Log console message timestamp (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Log last check timestamp (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Added image file headers to GetImageFormat function (JBIG gray, JBIG2, DJVU, WDP) (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Added image format string constants (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed error messages when creating FR engine objects (applies to 9.5.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed console messages in TMainDlg.SendErrorMessage procedure (applies to 9.5.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Write page count on success, on page limit or on license limit (applies to 9.6.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Write available license pages and/or characters on license limit (applies to 9.6.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Add error message to response mail on abort errors (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed location for marking processed object with error message (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Using FastMM4 in debug versions (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed reading temporary file with OCR text in TOCREngine.GetTextExtract function (applies to 9.5.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed deadlock in ScheduleManager when calling schedule lock method from within Execute method (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed minor memory leaks (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed AV in GetFREngine function on engine init error (applies to 9.5.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Disconnect from service when connection fails fix (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed stopping service with Exit action when server is running (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed service version reset when reseting preferences (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed UTF-8 text conversion while reading temporary file with OCR text in TOCREngine.GetTextExtract function (applies to 9.12.1912)
* uses imispdfa.dll 9.10.1910.10
* uses imisconv.dll 9.1.1406.22
* uses imisweb.dll 6.4.1903.85
IMiS/OCR Server Console:
What's new:
* new: Added response timestamp (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Setting console last check timestamp to server response date (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed method for getting console messages from service (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed FineReader engine to OCR engine in resource strings (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: TDateTime conversion methods from local to XML and vice versa (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* new: Added imispdfa.dll library to server info (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Actions state changing improved (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* change: Changed copyright notices on About box dialog (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed minor memory leaks (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Disconnect from service when connection fails fix (applies to 9.4.1912-9.12.1912)
* fix: Fixed Preferences dialog for FRE4 version (applies to 9.4.1912)
* fix: Fixed Job Editor dialog for FRE4 version (applies to 9.4.1912)
Supported platforms and minimum hardware requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP Home/Professional, Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2003R2, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2008R2, Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Server 2012/2012R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Intel® Pentium 4 processor 1GHz (Intel® multicore 1,6GHz processor or more recommended)
- USB 2.0 port for hardware protection key
- 1GB RAM (2GB or more recommended)
- 2GB disk space or more recommended
- Using OCR Server with Domino infrastructure (Notes Mailbox & Notes Application job): minimum IBM Lotus Notes Client version 5.0.3 / 6.5.3 / 7.0.0 / 8.0 / 8.5 (NOT SUPPORTED: Versions 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3, 6.5.0, 6.5.1, 6.5.2); recommended IBM Lotus Notes Client version 5.0.13 / 6.5.6 / 7.0.4 / 8.0.2 / 8.5.3 (Basic or Full)
Related Documents:
IMiS/OCR Server 9.x.1908
IMiS/OCR Server 8.x or earlier not supported on Windows 10
IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs format changes
Sending OCR or PDF requests to IMiS/OCR Server
Multiple recognition languages in IMiS/OCR Server
Processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes Application job
Setting IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
Using IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
USB keys should not be removed while USB protected product is running
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