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IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs format changes

Product:IMiS/OCR Server

Case: Handling processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes application job was redesigned in version 8.x.1211. This article describes the how processing information is saved in Notes documents after the objects are processed and what objects are considered for OCR in a Notes document that was marked for processing by IMiS/OCR Server.


IMiS/OCR Server Notes application job still saves processed objects metadata in a document multi-value text field item called IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs. The format of processed object metadata was changed to include OCR result destination id. OCR results are still saved in richtext field items with root name IMiSOCRServerFTItem followed by a sequence number starting with 1 (e.g. IMiSOCRServerFTItem1) like before. Objects in a Notes document are processed if object id is not found among IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs item values as either source or destination id. Objects that were processed with error are also added to the processing queue (ie. object id equals to source id and error message field is not empty).

IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs item value has now the following form:

      "<version_tag>","<src_object_id>"," <dst_object_id>"," <ft_item_name>","<object_name>","<ocr_result_name>", "<ocr_stats>","<ocr_error_msg>"

Item value consists of double-quated, comma-separated string values which represent:

<version_tag>version tag of the IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs value format ($20002)
source object's identifier (e.g. for object on IMiS/Arc: ARCDEV/b264aa02790fbf3057621f6819a15e393da9b59b1a1490eb9db0a653fc05116e)
destination object's identifier (e.g. for object on IMiS/Arc: ARCDEV/b264aa02790fbf3057621f6819a15e393da9b59b1a1490eb9db0a653fc05116e). If target option is set to none, this value is empty.
<ft_item_name>name of the richtext item that holds processed object's recognized fulltext. It starts with IMiSOCRServerFTItem followed by a number (e.g. IMiSOCRServerFTItem1)
<src_object_description>object name, that shows up in a menu under View button (e.g: test.tif) (value of IMiS_DSC field at index where src_object_id is positioned in IMiS_OBJ)
<dst_object_description>name of the processed object, that shows up in a menu under View button with postfix ' (OCR)' (e.g. test.tif (OCR)) (value of IMiS_DSC field at index where dst_object_id is positioned in IMiS_OBJ). If target option is set to none, this value is empty.
<ocr_stats>statistics of the processed object, with comma-separated numerical values (e.g. 114106,69558,3,4169,0,0)
<ocr_error_msg>error message that occurred during OCR process if any, otherwise empty double-quates

and <ocr_stats> value has the following form:


where values are numbers and represent:

<object_size>object size in bytes
<ocr_result_size>processed object size in bytes
<page_count>number of pages
<total_chars>number of total characters
<susp_chars>number of suspicious characters
<unrec_chars>number of unrecognized characters

Example of IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs item value:

"$20002","ARCDEV/b264aa02522b325db0d7f9892a2f85e34fc0f323d420fce58ba354fea88a0a31","ARCDEV/b264aa0262e6d0d0e1424708f930ab53c7dd6c6498d67ec32214666b2db23add","IMiSOCRServerFTItem1","test.tif","test.tif (OCR)","114106,69558,3,4169,0,0",""

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'IMiS/OCR Server 8.x.1211' IMiS/OCR Server 8.x.1211
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'Processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes Application job' Processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes Application job

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