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IMiS/OCR Server 9.x.2212

Product:IMiS/OCR Server

Case: This release adds "Ignore user OCR preferences" Notes Mailbox job preference and addresses service stopping which can be difficult to execute after last processing was canceled. You are welcome to try our demo IMiS/OCR Server at ocr.server@imis.si. Note that the service is not available for emails from public domains, but you may request access to test its performance. For more information contact us at sales@imis.si.


IMiS/OCR Server Service:

What's new:
* change: Continue process when IMiSReadPDFW method fails to read PDF (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* change: Log warning when IMiSReadPDFW method fails to read PDF (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* new: Added "Ignore user OCR preferences" Notes Mailbox job preference (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* change: Barcode parameters are set only when barcode detection is enabled (applies to 9.5.2212-9.12.2212)
* change: Service status with one line error message in TMainDlg.CreateJSONStatus (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* change: Changed TMainDlg.ActionCheckAndProcessExecute method to process each active job separately (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* new: Skip scheduled processing when less then 5s passed after last processing was canceled (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* change: Queue job for check and process in TMainDlg.RESTPostCheckAndProcess (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)

* fix: Fixed log warning when IMiSReadPDFW method fails to read PDF (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* fix: Fixed passing error message in TStatsModule.SetFilter method (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)

* uses imispdfa.dll 10.3.2210.12
* uses imisconv.dll 9.1.1406.22
* uses imisweb.dll 6.4.1903.85

IMiS/OCR Server Console:

What's new:
* new: Added "Ignore user OCR preferences" Notes Mailbox job preference (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* change: Enabled logging in saved registry preferences settings (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* change: Using JSON response status message to recreate exception (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)
* new: Show error message dialog in TStatsDlg.SetFilter method (applies to 9.4.2212-9.12.2212)

Supported platforms and minimum hardware requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP Home/Professional, Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2003R2, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2008R2, Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Server 2012/2012R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Intel® Pentium 4 processor 1GHz (Intel® multicore 1,6GHz processor or more recommended)
- USB 2.0 port for hardware protection key
- 1GB RAM (2GB or more recommended)
- 2GB disk space or more recommended
- Using OCR Server with Domino infrastructure (Notes Mailbox & Notes Application job): minimum IBM Lotus Notes Client version 5.0.3 / 6.5.3 / 7.0.0 / 8.0 / 8.5 / 9.0.0 (NOT SUPPORTED: Versions 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3, 6.5.0, 6.5.1, 6.5.2), HCL Notes Client 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0; recommended IBM Lotus Notes Client version 5.0.13 / 6.5.6 / 7.0.4 / 8.0.2 / 8.5.3 / 9.0.1 (Basic or Full), HCL Notes Client 10.0.1, 11.0.1, 12.0.1 (Basic or Full)

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/OCR Server 9.x.2208' IMiS/OCR Server 9.x.2208
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/OCR Server 8.x or earlier not supported on Windows 10' IMiS/OCR Server 8.x or earlier not supported on Windows 10
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs format changes' IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs format changes
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Sending OCR or PDF requests to IMiS/OCR Server' Sending OCR or PDF requests to IMiS/OCR Server
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Multiple recognition languages in IMiS/OCR Server' Multiple recognition languages in IMiS/OCR Server
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'Processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes Application job' Processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes Application job
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Setting IMiS/OCR Server as webservice' Setting IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Using IMiS/OCR Server as webservice' Using IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'USB keys should not be removed while USB protected product is running' USB keys should not be removed while USB protected product is running

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