| Sticky mode. By default, after every use of an annotation tool the selection tool becomes active. If you press this button you are enabling a sticky annotation tool mode, ie. after you select an annotation tool it stays active. You can set the default state in the "Annotations" category of the Preferences (see Annotations category for more details). |
| Select tool. You can select a single annotation by left mouse clicking on it, or you can select multiple annotations by left mouse clicking and dragging the selection box over the annotations. |
| Text annotation. After pressing this button, click on the image where you want the text to be placed. A blinking insertion cursor appears and you can write your notes. Click outside the text annotation box when you are finished. You can edit text annotation with double left mouse click. You can change the font, orientation and more in the properties dialog. |
| Hilite tool. This annotation is used for highlighting parts of the image. Drag across the region you want to highlight. You can change color in the properties dialog. |
| Redact tool. Redact tool is used for hiding a part of the image. Drag across the region you want to hide, then you can also change color in the properties dialog. From IMiS Notes interface only users with "See under document redaction" permission enabled in the Restrictions settings (see Restrictions Settings for more details) will be able to see what's behind the redaction. |
| Popup text. Click on the image where you want the popup text to appear. Write your comments and set the caption that will be displayed under the popup icon. To open and edit popup text double left mouse click on the icon. You can change the contents, caption and icon of the popup text annotation in the properties dialog. |
| Arrow tool. Select this annotation if you want to draw arrows on the image. You can set many properties for arrow annotation, for head and/or tail for example. |
| Freehand line. This annotation is used for drawing freehand lines. You can set the thickness and color of the line in the properties dialog. |
| Ellipse annotation. This is the new annotation available from IMiS client v3.x on. It is used for drawing ellipses. You can also fill the background of the ellipse. |
| Box annotation. You can draw a box on the image. Like with ellipse, you can fill it's background. |
| Polyline tool. This annotation is used for drawing polylines. You can set the thickness and color of the line in the properties dialog. |
| Image annotation. If you want to put an image annotation on the page, use this button. An open dialog appears and all you have to do is to select the image file. If you have sticky annotation mode enabled, you can change the image file by pressing this button again. |
| Stamp annotation. This annotation is used for predefined image that you have to set it in the "Annotations" category of the IMiS client Preferences (see Annotations category for more details). |
| Custom annotations. Popup menu of saved custom annotations. You can select and use previous saved custom annotations. |