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Restrictions Settings

Restrictions section is actually some kind of IMiS ACL. You can set Default rights for all users, where you can set restrictions for IMiS actions. With default settings you set restrictions for majority of users. After that you can set exceptional rights for "special" users of this database where you can grant or revoke rights based on default settings. Using IMiS Setup and Restrictions section, you have to set at least default rights. After that, you can create exceptions for several users and/or groups via the same dialog. As you can see in the picture below, special rights are set for 2 users and 1 group.

There are three groups of properties that could be set as default rights for every single Domino application:
  1. Lotus Notes (picture #1)
  2. Object (picture #2)
  3. Annotations (picture #3)

Picture 1: Setting rights for functions that are available under IMiS/Menu.

Picture 2: Setting rights for object manipulation

Picture 3: Setting rights for different types of annotations.

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