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Configuring profile

Whenever you create or edit the profile in IMiS/BatchScan, the Profile settings dialog appears. You can edit active profile settings by clicking Edit... command from Profile menu or toolbar button. Configuring a profile is a simple task and usually has to be done only once.

New profile

When creating a new profile you need to set the Profile name and Profile dir in General category and Folder Destination category respectively. Profile dir identifies the location of the profile document. Profile document contains the information of the profile's scanned documents. Folder identifies the folder where the scanned documents are created. In the Batch type groupbox select a batch separator. You can also set up image processing filters, documents and scanner settings as well as define profile's contents to be entered for each document while scanning. After setting up your profile click OK button to save it. Cancel button discards all changes.

Existing profile

You can edit an existing profile settings even if the profile is not saved. Profile dir and Content items can only be changed if the profile is empty (i.e. has no scanned documents), otherwise these two settings are disabled. You can however add or remove List values and change the fixed part of the Number or String content items. Use OK button to save profile settings changes or Cancel button to discards all changes.

Read the detailed instructions on how to set up the profile in the following subsections:

IMiS Manual (v5) General settings
IMiS Manual (v5) Contents settings
IMiS Manual (v5) Destination settings
IMiS Manual (v5) Source settings

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