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History of IMiS

In the following sections the history of all IMiS modules is gathered from the very beginning of IMiS development and updated with every new version.

IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.1 IMiS/Scan & IMiS/View
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.2 IMiS/OCR Server
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.3 IMiS/OCR Client (discontinued)
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.4 IMiS/ICR Server
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.5 IMiS/ICR Client
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.6 IMiS/Net
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.7 IMiS/ARC Storage Server
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.8 IMiS/Avalanche
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.9 IMiS/BatchScan
IMiS Manual (current)
1.4.10 IMiS/Storage Connector

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