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Export category
Export category of the Preferences dialog consists of default settings for send by e-mail functionality and settings for exporting document on file system.
In the File format group box select default file format for exported document:
- Current format to export copy of the document in file format as it is in current document.
- Multipage TIFF file (*.tif) to create multipage TIFF files.
- Adobe PDF file (*.pdf) to create image-only PDF/A-1b files.
In the Options group box you can optionally set:
- Export signed document as original document: Only signed document can be exported in its original form. It will not be a copy of the document.
- Save page rotation/mirror: All rotated/mirrored pages can be saved in its rotated/mirrored state.
- Hide the Export options dialog when sending documents, selected pages, region or when exporting documents on file system.
In the Merge preferences group box you can configure merge annotation preferences. Select which annotations should merge on a copy of the document.
Note: see Documents section for more details on merging annotations preferences.
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