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IMiS/Storage Connector 9.5.1510 .NET Interface for IMiS/ARChive v9.5

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

Case: IMiS/Storage Connector 9.5.1510 .NET is the first release interacting with IMiS/ARChive v9.5 server. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* Retention and disposition API to support management of retention policies and disposition holds on entities:
- IDispositionHold interface
- IDispositionHoldEntry interface
- IReadOnlyRetentionPolicyContext interface
- IRetention interface
- IRetentionPolicy interface
- IRetentionPolicyContext interface
- IRetentionPolicyEntry interface
- IRetentionPolicySnapshot interface
- RetentionPolicyFilter enum
- RetentionPolicyScope enum
- IArchive.RetentionPolicies property
- IArchive.DispositionHolds property
- IEntityStub.Retention property
- IEntity.Retention property
- IReadOnlyEntityRights.ChangeRetention property
- IEntityRights.ChangeRetention property
- EntityRightsFilter.ChangeRetention enum value
- ACLFilterItem class now handles ChangeRetention permission.
* Review API to support the review processes:
- IReview interface
- IReviewCollection interface
- IReviewStub interface
- IArchive.CreateReview method
- IArchive.GetReviews method
- IArchive.GetReviewInfo method
- IArchive.OpenReview method
- ArchiveCapabilities.Review enum value
- IEntity.IsPermanent property
- IEntityStub.IsPermanent property.
* Entity status change redesigned:
- IEntityRights.ChangeStatus property
- EntityRightsFilter.ChangeStatus enum value
- IArchive.SetEntityStatus method
- IEntityStub.SetStatus method
- ReportType.EntityStatus enum value
- IPhysicalEntity.Status property value can now be cleared
- ACLFilterItem class now handles ChangeStatus permission.
* Search API redesigned:
- ISearchedEntityStub interface
- changed IArchive.Search, IEntity.Search and IEntityStub.Search methods to return collection of ISearchedEntityStub objects.
* Access to deleted and disposed entities redesigned:
- new DeletionKind enum
- changed IArchive.GetDeletedEntities method now has new DeletionKind parameter
- new IDeletionStub.Reference property
- new IDeletionStub.IsContainer property
- new IDeletionStub.SubEntityCount property
- new IDeletionStub.GetSubEntities method.
* Other changes:
- IEntityStub.Delete method with description parameter
- new IProperty.Clear(bool) method for inherited properties
- new IArchive.GetSystemPropertyName method
- new IPickListValue interface
- new IEntityStub.GetPickListValues method
- changed IASessionPoolManager.GetSessionPool method reading options without unnecessary exceptions
- changed EntityStub.Parent now reads iarcli parent stub not parent id
- changed ArchiveCapabilities.ImportExport enum value replaces ArchiveCapabilities.Transfer
- new IArchive.Host property
- new IArchive.GetPublicClassificationCode method
- new IArchive.GetSystemPropertySortKey method
- IContent.Owner changed from IDocument to IEntity
- remove LogType.Transfer enum value
- changed CreateSubEntities permission is not checked on IArchive, IClass, IFolder and IEntity create and move entity operations
- changed Entity.ClassificationCode property can now be read on new entity
- changed Entity.ClassificationCode property cannot be set to null or empty string on new entity
- changed Entity.PublicClassificationCode property can now be read on new entity and returns classification code without transformation
- new AuditQueryResultFilter enum
- new AuditQuery.Filter property
- new AuditQuery.IsRecursive property
- new AuditQuery.IsValid property
- removed AuditQuerySessionParamsScope.All enum value
- removed AuditQueryObjectParamsScope.All enum value
- change Content.SetParts method now returns property name on error
- change Entity.ClassificationCode property can be read on new entity if manual classification code is enabled (returns the relative classification code set before save)
- change Property.SetValues method now returns property name on error
- change Property.SetXmlValues method now returns property name on error
- changed ReadAccess permission on system classes is not checked when reading subentities.

* Fixed undefined property for entity's template error messages for system and common properties.
* IArchive.GetReportBuffer method now allows ReportType.EntityStatus.
* StorageConnectorLogger InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'IMiS.IMiSARC.Client.IASession' to type 'IMiS.StorageConnector.IACSession' in methods AddHandler, RemoveHandler and ClearHandlers.
* ReadOnlyProperties.GetValues methods for template properties.
* Signed integer converted to unsigned integer when evaluating pick-list values.
* IEntity properties Created, Modified, Accessed, EffectiveRights, SubEntityCount and SubEntityTemplateIds now updated with values received from server at Commit stage.
* Fixed dead lock on entity collection close.
* Entity.ReadProperties internal method now includes import properties into custom properties dictionary.
* Template.EvaluatePickListValues method fixed if query property is picklist.
* ContentPart.OpenDataStream method now properly checks access mode.
* IAStorage.RetrieveObject method with target stream parameter now truncates target stream to target position after copy.
* Property.ContextValue contructor now properly sets read-only flag.
* Property.BinaryValue.Value property setter now truncates output stream to output position after copy.
* Property.BinaryValue.OpenDataStream method now properly checks access mode.
* Property.StringMaxValue.Value property setter now truncates output stream to output position after copy.
* Property.StringMaxValue.OpenDataStream method now properly checks access mode.
* Property.SetValues method with format provider parameter now truncates output stream to output position after copy .
* Property.SetXmlValues method now truncates output stream to output position after copy.
* Archive.GetEntityInfo only internal identifiers must be of the same length.
* EntityCollection.Dispose method now checks if owner server channel is connected before closing the collection.
* BaseCollection.Dispose method now disposes data only if data is referenced.
* BaseCollection.IndexOf method returns -1 on null parameter or if count is 0.
* ContentPart stream cannot be opened in RW mode on a ReadOnlyContent.
* Fix EntityACLEntry constructor when there is just one inherited allow/deny acl entry value.
* Fix PropertyACLEntry constructor when there is just one inherited allow/deny acl entry value.

IMiS/Storage Connector .NET 9.5.1510 .NET libraries:
* storageconnector.net.dll 9.5.1510.100
* iarcli.net.dll 9.5.1510.72
* iacxapi.net.dll 3.1.1202.4
* imisbase.net.dll 9.5.1510.25
* Uses .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 or 4.0

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