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IMiS/OCR Server 8.x.1202
IMiS/OCR Server
IMiS/OCR Server 8.x.1202 versions are released. Version 8.10.1102 introduces new ALTO, EPUB & FB2 output formats and few other features.
What's new:
* New ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object Format) output format (applies to 8.10.1202)
* New EPUB (Electronic Publication Format) output format (applies to 8.10.1202)
* New FB2 (FictionBook Format) output format (applies to 8.10.1202)
* DBF output format removed, since it's no longer supported (applies to 8.10.1202)
* Support for WDP input format (applies to 8.10.1202)
* PDF & PDF/A picture format setting now for b/w, gray & color images (applies to 8.10.1202)
* New UPC-A barcode type (applies to 8.10.1202)
OCR parameters are now initialized with job or server OCR parameters, than overridden with optional webservice settings
Supported platforms and minimum hardware requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP Home/Professional, Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2003R2, Microsoft Windows Vista*, Microsoft Windows 7*, Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2008R2*
- Intel® Pentium 4 processor 1GHz (Intel® multicore 1,6GHz processor or more recommended)
- USB 2.0 port for hardware protection key
- 1GB RAM (2GB or more recommended)
- 1GB disk space or more recommended
- Using OCR Server with Domino infrastructure (MAIL & DATABASE job): minimum IBM Lotus Notes Client version
5.0.3 / 6.5.3 / 7.0.0 / 8.0 / 8.5 (NOT SUPPORTED: Versions 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3, 6.5.0, 6.5.1, 6.5.2)
recommended IBM Lotus Notes Client version 5.0.13 / 6.5.6 / 7.0.4 / 8.0.2 / 8.5.3 (Basic or Full)
* OS supported with limitations (UAC needs to be disabled)
Related Documents:
IMiS/OCR Server 8.x.1102
Sending OCR or PDF requests to IMiS/OCR Server
Processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes Application job
Multiple recognition languages in IMiS/OCR Server
Setting IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
Using IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
USB keys should not be removed while USB protected product is running
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