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How to digitally sign a document

Product:IMiS/Scan, IMiS/Scan++, IMiS/View, IMiS/View++

Case: Short instructions on how to quickly sign a document with IMiS client


Digital signature is used to authenticate digital documents by using computer cryptography. Digital signatures help to establish the following assurances: authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation. If a document is changed after it is signed, the signature is invalidated.

Steps to add visible digital signature in IMiS client:

Find a suitable page in document where you want to put your signature.
On Sign tab, in the Signature group on right panel, do the following:
select your Certificate which will be used for signing the document

select Image which will be used as ink signature, optionally fill Reason and Comment input box
select the Components of visible signature (description, image, reason, comment)

Click Sign button and components of visual signature will be put on the current page
Position visible signature on desire location on page. You can also adjust height and width of signature by dragging signature rectangle

You can save and close the document or continue working on it.
if you want to save current signature settings click on Save button on the bottom of the Sign tab

Related Documents:

IMiS Manual (current) IMiS Manual section Digital signature

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