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IMiS/Storage Connector 9.9.1810 .NET Interface for IMiS/ARChive v9.9

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

Case: This release supports new functionalities of IMiS/ARChive 9.9 such as references, drafts, versioning and user profile. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* new: IEntityCollection interface supporting categorization
* change: IArchive.GetRootClasses method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IArchive.GetDeletedEntities method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IArchive.GetLogEntities method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IArchive.Search method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IArchive.GetReviews method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IDeletionStub.GetSubEntities method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IEntity.GetSubEntities method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IEntity.Search method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IEntityStub.GetSubEntities method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: IEntityStub.Search method return type changed to IEntityCollection
* change: BaseCollection implements IEntityCollection interface
* change: IContent.MoveParts method without target content name parameter removed
* change: IContentPart.Move method without target content name parameter removed
* change: ContentPartActions enum removed
* change: IContent.ManageParts method removed
* new: IContent.CloneParts method
* new: IContent.MoveParts method with IEntity target parameter
* new: IContent.QueuePartsForConvert method
* new: IContent.QueuePartsForIndex method
* new: IContentPart.Clone method
* new: IContentPart.Move method with IEntity target parameter
* new: IContentPart.QueueForConvert method
* new: IContentPart.QueueForIndex method
* new: EntityQueryScope.EntityReferences enum value
* new: IReadOnlyEntityReference interface
* new: IEntityReference interface
* new: IEntity.ReferenceIds property
* new: IEntityStub.ReferenceIds property
* new: IReadOnlyEntityRights.CreateReferences property
* new: IEntityRights.CreateReferences property
* new: PropertyType.EntityReference enum value
* new: SystemProperty.EntityReference enum value
* new: IArchive.CreateEntityReference method
* new: ReadOnlyEntityReference class
* new: EntityReference class
* new: New mimes and file extensions in Ext2Mime and Mime2Ext tables
* new: IArchive.GetDrafts method
* new: IEntity.IsDraft property
* new: IEntityStub.IsDraft property
* new: IEntityStub.CheckOut method
* new: IEntityStub.CheckIn method
* new: IEntityStub.Discard method
* new: IVersionableEntity interface
* new: IEntity.VersionableEntity property
* new: IEntityStub.VersionableEntity property
* new: SystemProperty.ReviewScheduledItems
* new: SystemProperty.VersioningSeriesId
* new: SystemProperty.VersioningParentId
* new: SystemProperty.VersioningLabel
* new: SystemProperty.VersioningComment
* new: IEntity.Categories property
* new: IEntityStub.Categories property
* new: SystemProperty.Category const
* new: ArchiveCapabilities.DraftManagement const
* change: Storage.RetrieveObject method returns file path with tmp extension if no default extension available
* new: Mime type application/vnd.ms-outlook associated with msg extension
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyServiceName const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyServiceVersion const
* new: IArchive.Properties property
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyAuditLogRequired const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyAuditLogSupported const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyCapabilities const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyClassHierarchyDelimiter const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyFolderHierarchyDelimiter const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyDocumentHierarchyDelimiter const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyRootEffectiveRights const
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyTrafficEncrypted const
* change: IArchive.EffectiveRights property removed
* change: IArchive.Capabilities property
* change: ArchiveFeatures enum removed
* change: IArchive.Features property removed
* change: Archive.Features property removed
* new: ACLEntrySubjectType enum
* change: IACL.Entries property return type change
* change: IACL.PropertyEntries property return type change
* change: IACL.AddEntry method return with subject type parameter
* change: IACL.AddPropertyEntry method return with subject type parameter
* new: IEntityACLEntry.SubjectType property
* new: IEntityACLEntry.Subject property return type change
* new: IPropertyACLEntry.SubjectType property
* new: IPropertyACLEntry.Subject property return type change
* new: IArchive.GetDeletedEntity method
* new: IFolder.IsChildClassificationCodeGenerated property
* new: PropertyReadOnlyKind enum
* new: IReadOnlyProperty.ReadOnlyKind property
* new: StorageConnector.OptionImpersonalizationUserName const
* new: ITemplate.Description property
* new: ITemplate.Label property
* new: IReadOnlyProperty.Label property
* new: IArchive.Authenticate method
* new: EntityRightsFilter.CreateReferences enum value
* new: StorageConnector.PropertyAuthenticatedUserAccount const
* new: IIcon interface
* new: IUserProfile interface
* change: IDirectory.ChangePassword method removed
* new: IDirectory.GetUserProfile method
* new: IDirectoryEntity.Icon property
* Added Ext2Mime and Mime2Ext mkv
* Added IReview.HasAIP and IReviewStub.HasAIP
* Changed IDirectoryEntity.Icon and IUserProfile.Icon properties
* Maximum I/O payload size option (StorageConnector.OptionMaxIOPayloadSize)
* Added content part content type check
* Removed PropertyReadOnlyKind enum
* Removed IReadOnlyProperty.ReadOnlyKind property
* Added IReadOnlyProperty.IsReadOnlyAfterCreate property
* Added IReadOnlyProperty.IsReadOnlyAfterCheckIn property
* Removed IProperty.ReadOnlyKind property
* Added IProperty.IsReadOnlyAfterCreate property
* Added IProperty.IsReadOnlyAfterCheckIn property
* Changed IDirectoryEntity.SecurityClass and IUserProfile.SecurityClass property
* Added IReadOnlyContent.IsReadOnly property
* Added IReadOnlyContent.IsReadOnlyAfterCreate property
* Added IReadOnlyContent.IsReadOnlyAfterCheckIn property
* Added IReadOnlyContent.IsPublic property
* Changed IArchive.Templates
* New IArchive.GetEntityReference
* New IArchive.CreateEntity
* New EntityQueryScope.References, Draft, Versions enum values
* New EntityType.Any enum value
* New IEntity.ModifiedBy, IEntityStub.ModifiedBy property
* New IEntity.HasDraft, IEntityStub.HasDraft property
* New IEntity.DraftId, IEntityStub.DraftId property
* New IEntity.DraftCreator, IEntityStub.DraftCreator property
* New IEntity.HasVersions, IEntityStub.HasVersions property
* New IEntity.VersionSequence, IEntityStub.VersionSequence property
* New IEntity.VersionLabel, IEntityStub.VersionLabel property
* New IEntity.VersionComment, IEntityStub.VersionComment property
* New IEntityStub.Versions property
* New IEntity.HasReferences, IEntityStub.HasReferences property
* New IReadOnlyProperty.IsVersionable property
* New IReadOnlyContent.IsVersionable property
* New ITemplate.IsVersionable property
* Removed IVersionableEntity interface
* Removed IEntity.VersionableEntity, IEntityStub.VersionableEntity property
* Changed IArchive.OpenEntity with sequence
* Changed IArchive.OpenDocument with sequence
* Changed IArchive.DeleteEntity with sequence
* Changed IEntityStub.CheckOut returns string
* Changed IEntityStub.CheckIn returns string
* Changed IArchive.GetTemplates returns all templates
* Changed IArchive.OpenEntity returns IEntity, IClass, IFolder or IDocument
* New SystemProperty.ModifiedBy enum value
* Removed IEntityStub.Discard method comment parameter
* Changed IArchive.GetDeletedEntities
* IEntityReference.Modified, IReadOnlyEntityReference.Modified property
* IEntityReference.ModifiedBy, IReadOnlyEntityReference.ModifiedBy property
* IArchive.GetInternalId method
* Archive checking service version

* fix: support for new unknown system property names fix
* fix: Entity and Review save and close fix
* fix: IArchive.OpenEntity method returns specific entity class fix
* IArchive.Authenticate method
* IArchive.OpenEntity synchronized with entity
* Changed IArchive synchronization
* IReadOnlyProperty.Description property
* IReadOnlyProperty.Label property

IMiS/Storage Connector 9.9.1810 .NET libraries:
* storageconnector.net.dll 9.8.1810.144
* imisbase.net.dll 9.9.1810.42
* iarcli.net.dll 9.9.1810.98
* iacxapi.net.dll 3.1.1704.8
* Uses .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 or 4.0

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector 9.9.1805 .NET Interface Release Candidate' IMiS/Storage Connector 9.9.1805 .NET Interface Release Candidate
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET' Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

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