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IMiS/Storage Connector 9.9.1805 .NET Interface Release Candidate

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

Case: This release candidate is the first release to target the upcoming IMiS/ARChive 9.9. It provides a way to set an optional outbound address, enables access to effective rights on content in read-write state and access to all system attributes of the given entity, review or template. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* new: StorageConnector.OptionOutboundAddress constant
* new: StorageConnector.OptionOutboundAddressV6 constant
* change: IASessionPoolManager.GetSessionPool method reading outbound address options
* change: IContent.GetParts method logging entering and exiting
* change: IReadOnlyContent.GetParts method logging entering and exiting
* change: IRetentionPolicyEntry.Delete method synchronize change
* change: IContent.EffectiveRights property moved to IReadOnlyContent
* new: IReadOnlyContent.EffectiveRights property
* change: IContent.EffectiveRights property overrides IReadOnlyContent.EffectiveRights property
* change: IAStorage.StoreObject methods throw exception when using default mime and no default mime is present
* change: IArchive.User property returns session context user name if present
* change: IDeletionStub properties using IsContainer internal property
* change: IDeletionStub.Title property returns stub title
* change: IDeletionStub.Description property returns stub description
* change: IRetentionPolicy.Original property assumes existence of system attribute
* change: IEntityStub.Template property assumes existence of template using the identifier
* change: IEntityStub.Delete method logging description parameter
* change: EntitySortKey property name required parameter
* change: IMoveDetails.Moved property DateTime value always present (does not return Nullable value)
* change: ISecurityClassChangeDetails.Modified property DateTime value always present (does not return Nullable value)
* new: IContent.MoveParts method without target content property name parameter
* new: IContentPart.Move method without target content property name parameter
* change: Using dictionaries of SystemProperty sorted by property names and vice versa
* change: IReadOnlyProperty.PickListValues property now checks if property is a picklist property
* new: IEntity.SystemProperties property
* new: IEntityStub.SystemProperties property
* new: IReview.SystemProperties property
* new: IReviewStub.SystemProperties property
* new: ITemplate.SystemProperties property

* fix: IAStorage.AuditLogQuery method result fix
* fix: Deadlock between IDirectory, IReadOnlyProperty and ITemplate fix
* fix: IProperty.GetSystemPropertyName method switched move classification code and datetime fix
* fix: Missing SystemProperty.DeletedEntityReference enum value added

IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1805 .NET Release Candidate libraries:
* storageconnector.net.dll 9.8.1805.138
* iarcli.net.dll 9.9.1805.95
* iacxapi.net.dll 3.1.1704.8
* imisbase.net.dll 9.9.1805.39
* Uses .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 or 4.0

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1803 .NET Interface' IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1803 .NET Interface
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET' Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

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