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COM objects as an alternative to IMiSapi.dll
IMiS/Scan, IMiS/View, IMiS/Net
COM objects to access IMiS functionality from any environment that supports using COM/Automation (OLE) objects will be available at the end of the month (8/1/2003). Using COM objects is easier then using external DLLs and there are some environments that do not allow using DLLs, but using COM objects is possible. Every feature from IMiSapi.dll/IMiSnet.dll will be available through COM library.
Example of View and Scan features using IMiScom library in MS Excel (VB script):
Sub IMiSViewPages()
Dim IMiSObj As IMiSDocument
' declare an object variable
Set IMiSObj = CreateObject("IMiSClient.IMiSDocument")
' create an object instance
IMiSObj.ObjDescription = "COM interfaced test"
' set caption for IMiS/View window
IMiSObj.StoreType = 2
' Next 4 lines set object parameters
IMiSObj.StoreInfo = Selection.Cells(1, 1).Value
' Information about IMiS/Arc server
IMiSObj.ObjInfo = Selection.Cells(1, 2).Value
' Identification of object on server
IMiSObj.ObjRights = -1
' User can do anything with the object
' Here the IMiS/View window shows
End Sub
Sub IMiSScanPages()
Dim IMiSObj As IMiSDocument
Set IMiSObj = CreateObject("IMiSClient.IMiSDocument")
IMiSObj.StoreType = 2
IMiSObj.StoreInfo = Selection.Cells(1, 1).Value
' Where do we store object
IMiSObj.ObjInfo = Selection.Cells(1, 2).Value
' Maybe we want to replace some existing object
' Here the scanning process starts, Excel is not available until scanning is finished
Selection.Cells(1, 2).Value = IMiSObj.ObjInfo
' Store the identification of the new object
End Sub
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