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Contents provides the means to attach additional information to documents while batch scanning. You can define the contents in the Contents category of the Profile settings dialog, then enter and save the contents in the Contents form for every scanned document.
Content item's position:
A very useful feature when scanning documents of the same type is the content item's position. If you define the position of a particular content item, then the document's preview zooms in on that position when you select the content item. This feature also works while viewing documents.
Contents form:
When you save the profile all nonempty content item's values are also saved in the profile document (see Contents settings for more details). You can check the document's contents by clicking the Contents command from the Document menu or scanned documents popup menu. Contents command is enabled only if the contents is defined otherwise it's not. Use this command to show or hide the Contents form. (see User interface for more details). Contents form can also be docked right to the preview area or left under the document list. Content values can be changed also during viewing scanned document. Barcode can be manually added even if non was recognized on document.
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