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IMiS as ODMA Client for Lotus Document Manager

Version dependancy:

Launch IMiS/Scan and find IMiS icon in taskbar (system tray) again. Click on IMiS icon once and select New Document. Perform scanning and when scanner finished its job, click on Save smarticon and you'll get ODMA Save As dialog box where you can select location and properties (profile data) of saved image.

For document file format (PDF or TIF) to be excepted, administrator also has to create two Launch association documents in Library administration of Domino.Doc server (for more details see Domino.Doc Administration Guide). The following pictures show data for this two launch associations:

You are also able to use Domino.Doc directly from existing Notes application, but you have to set appropriate Server Type (ODMA) in IMiS Administration database first (see Setting Storage Type for more details). In that case, you can simply create new image using Scan button in your Notes document, perform scanning and saving an image via ODMA Save As dialog box that appears when you'll click on Save smarticon in IMiS window.

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