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Image processing

IMiS/BatchScan provides many image processing filters. Most of them are used to improve the quality of the scanned images.

Filters settings:

To set up IP filters go to the General category of the Profile settings dialog, then press Filters... button (see General settings for more details). In the Image Filters Properties dialog select the appropriate filters and click on the Add button. To configure a selected filter press the Configure button. You can remove the selected filter by clicking the Remove button. Note that filters are processed in the order they appear in the Selected list.

Available filters:

The following table describes all available filters.

Background Dropout: Filter detects the background color of a scanned document, in order to drop it out or flatten it to a single shade, while capturing all color information in
the foreground.
Barcode Detection:Detects and decode barcodes on scanned images. There is no limit to the number of barcodes it can detect on a page. Many different types of barcodes are supported: Interleaved 2 of 5, CODABAR, Code 32, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, ISBN Addon 2, ISBN Addon 5, Code 2/5 Industry, Code 2/5 IATA, Code 2/5 Datalogic, Code 2/5 Inverted, Code BCD Matrix, Code 2/5 Matrix, UCC/EAN128, PDF417 code and DataMatrix.
Black Overscan Removal:Removes the black area around an image when a page is scanned using an overscan option.
Blankpage Detection:Detects blank pages. Sensitivity property specifies noise tolerance during detection. If you select it, IMiS/BatchScan skips all blank pages.
Border Removal:Removes black edges that sometimes appear around the image during scanning or photocopying. Black edges around the edge of an image (borders) are changed to white.
Color Dropout:Takes a color image and transforms specified colors into other colors. The filter maintains a list of color mappings that it should make when the filter is run.
Crop:Set image margins and removes white space around a binary or color image.
Deskew:Straightens binary or color images that shows a slant from its correct orientation. Skewing can occur if the original document was skewed when it was fed into the scanner, fax machine, or photo-copier. Filter examines the image, determines the skew angle and rotates the image. Deskewing an image makes the image contents more legible and can improve OCR results.
Digital Stamp:Enables you to automatically merge a text string or an image to a page as it is scanned. The stamp annotation may be positioned anywhere on the image in the filter's configuration dialog. For text annotations user can specify the font, style, and size of the annotation. Note that a single instance of the filter provides one annotation per page. If multiple digital stamps per image are required, you must configure multiple instances of the filter.
Dilation:Expands the area of black objects in an image which can improve image quality and legibility of text.
Erosion:Trims the area of black objects. Using this filter user could lose a lot of detail from the image content.
Halftone Removal:Removes the background from an image or a graphics object of an image.
Hole Removal:Remove punch holes from the edges of an image. Punch holes are searched for around the edges of the image. Other areas of the image are not effected.
Invert:Inverts an image to its negative equivalent.
Line Removal:Remove lines from or reconstructs lines on a form-based image. Removing lines can improve OCR results.
Noise Removal:Removes noise from an image. Noise can be picked up from carbon or dirt particles found in scanners, fax machines or copiers.
Rotation:Preforms image rotation in 90 degree increments on binary and color images, as well as perform mirroring.
Scaling:Resizes an image to the specified width and height while preserving the original aspect ratio.
Skeleton:Reduces black objects in an image to one pixel thick skeletonized versions. It can seriously distort the image, that's why it should be used with caution.
Smoothing:Removes bumps and spurs that appear on text characters or graphics objects in an image. Smoothing is a good way to improve legibility.
Threshold:Used to convert a 24-bit color image to a binary image. All of the pixels in a color image that are darker then specified are converted to black, others are converted to white.

Note: If there are any binary filters IP filters in the Selected list of the Image Filters Properties dialog than the results will always be a binary (i.e. black and white) images. Currently the only way you can scan in color is to use the Fix number of pages separator and no binary filters. Of course you have to have a color scanner and set up color scanning in the Documents category of the Profile settings dialog ( see Documents settings for more details).

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