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Source/Target settings

Source/Target section allows IMiS/OCR Server administrator to set up source and target of the IMiS/OCR Server enabled Notes application, equipped with IMiS Design Elements.

Source: set this option to select the source for IMiS/OCR Server to process (default: IMiS objects)
Name: specify the name of the Lotus Notes field or item where IMiS Object or attachment is located (default: None)

If your source is an IMiS Object, IMiS/OCR Server is able to remove the source link from your Lotus Notes Document and even from external storage after OCR is successfully done. In case your source object is an attachment, it is removed from your Lotus Notes Document after OCR is successfully performed.

Delete after OCR: enable this checkbox to remove the source link or attachment from your Lotus Notes Document (default: Unchecked)

Delete from storage: enable this checkbox to remove OCR source object from an external storage (default: Unchecked)

Target: set this option to select where OCR results should be stored (default: End of document)
Name: specify the name of the selected Lotus Notes target field/item or external storage server

For IMiS/ARC Storage Server as external storage server enter store information constructed from IMiS Admin database Store server name and profile separated by ":" (e.g. ARCDEV:Documents). If no name is specified for external storage server, IMiS/Setup profile document's Default storage server is used to locate the default storage server and profile.

Create Item for FTS: enable this checkbox to create Lotus Notes field/item for full-text search that stores all the recognized text (default: Unchecked)

Disposition: set this option to select the way OCR results are stored (default: Attach)

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