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Domino Server

Domino Server section allows administrator to set up Domino server and path to IMiS/OCR Server enabled Notes application database used by Notes Application job.

Domino server: enter IBM Lotus Domino Server name (e.g: Tester/IMiS, IMiS_N1/IMiS, etc.). Hostname/IP can also be used but its not advised. If Database is Local, leave this field blank (default: None)

Database path: this field holds complete path to the IBM Lotus Notes Database file. If on Server, path relative to Domino Data directory should be entered (e.g. mail\oserver.nsf, invoices.nsf etc.). If Database is Local, complete or relative path can be used (e.g. c:\lotus\domino\data\mail\oserver.nsf, mail\oserver.nsf, etc.). Use backslash (\) for directory delimiter (default: None)

Override target description: this option enables administrator to override the name of the OCR result. When disabled, '_OCRResult' suffix is appended to the source file name (default: Unchecked)

Description: enter custom name of the OCR result. If description is empty, the name is either retrieved from IMiS_DSC field when source is IMiS Object or a file name when source is attachment (default: None)

Note that OCR result extension depends on the OCR output format.

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