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General settings

In the General category of the Profile settings dialog you can set all batch related settings.

Profile document location:

The Profile dir is the location where the profile document will be saved. Profile document contains the information of the scanned documents in XLM format.

Batch type:

The Batch type determines how documents are separated into documents during scanning process. IMiS/BatchScan currently supports three different batch types:
Blankpage separator. After every blank page the following pages are saved into a new document.
Barcode separator. The page with the detected barcode(s) and following pages are saved into a new document. When this option is selected. You can more configure barcodes more detail.
Fixed number of pages. Select the number of pages you wish to have in each document.

Blankpage removal:

The Remove blankpages option is used to detect and discard any detected blank pages in a batch. You can't use Remove blankpages option with the Blankpage separator. If the Blankpage separator is selected blank pages are discarded automatically.

Barcode is obligatory data:

If this property is set than scanning will be paused waiting to enter barcode manually. Sub property of this one is to edit barcode even if there is recognized barcode in document.

Ignore barcodes:

If document has same valued barcodes on each of its pages, that only first occurrence of those barcodes will be marked as document separator.

Global profile:

The Global profile option is used to set current profile to be part of computer settings and not user. It will be visible only on a computer where it was set.

Remove pages:

The Remove selected pagese option is used to discard counted pages. Pages must be separated by comma or set in range. (1,2,5-7)
Selected pages will not be added in to a document. And if all pages in a batch are discarded there will not be a document for this batch.
Pages are removed after blank pages are removed if set. Or if barcode separator is set to remove pages which include specific barcode then this is done before pages are removed.

Configure barcode separator:

Advance barcode separator is used to configure more precisely which barcode(s) will be page separator. To do so write desire barcode in Value input box and select Action which will be execute when this barcode will be recognized on scanned page. Action can be to separate document or to separate document without scanned page with recognized barcode on it.

Advance barcode separator can also be used to hierarchy construct document’s name. First you have to write barcodes values which will be used to separate scanned documents. For each barcode level in hierarchy must be selected from Level dropdown selection box. Optionally formatting style and character delimiter between to levels can be selected from dropdown Style and Delimiter selection box.
To use this functionality File root value must include %n format specifier. (see Documents settings)

Barcode structure:

If you want your barcode to be splitted into more separated parts just put length of each part in to Barcode length structure box. Recognized barcode must have the same number of character as the length of barcode structure to be succesfuly splitted.

Image Processing Filters:

There are also several IP filters available in IMiS/BatchScan. You can apply them by clicking Filters... button and then add them to the Selected list in the Image Filters Properties dialog. To configure the selected filter click Configure button. If you want to remove the selected filter from the filter list click Remove button. When binary filters are used the scanning results are always binary (i.e. black and white) images. Also, filters are processed in the order they appear in the Selected list. (see Image processing for more details).

Note: When Blankpage separator, Barcode separator or Remove blankpages option is checked, IMiS/BatchScan looks if there is an appropriate (i.e. blankpage or barcode) filter added to the Selected Filters list. If not, it is automatically added and the message box appears asking you to configure that filter.

Note: The barcode separator will work best when it is carefully configured and tested (see Barcodes for more details).

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