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Job Editor dialog

Job Editor dialog enables administrator to define any number of available types of jobs. Number of jobs is not limited but consider repercussions if too many jobs are defined. Pool interval extends to the set interval + time needed to complete all jobs cycles.

New button enables you to define additional job. It's placed at the and of the list of jobs and is by default disabled
Delete button deletes currently selected job and selects the first job in the list as current job. WARNING: There is no confirmation!
Apply button submits any modification made to the currently selected job. If you don't use this button all modifications are discarded once you switch job focus
OK button actually saves all modifications submitted by Apply button and closes Job Editor. WARNING: There is no confirmation!
Cancel button discards all modifications submitted by Apply button and closes Job Editor. WARNING: There is no confirmation!

NOTE: All new job submissions and modification to jobs are not actually saved until you confirm them by pressing OK button.

Job name: enter Job name, which should be kept short. There is no name length limitation. This name will be shown in both screen and file logs (default: Job X, where X is a number)

Job type: select IMiS/OCR server job type specifying mode of operation (default: Notes Mailbox)
Report statistics/error messages: IMiS/OCR Server includes recognition statistics block to the return mail where all parameters of OCR Process are shown. If unchecked, this block is omitted (default: Unchecked)

Enabled: check this option to add the job to the list of enabled jobs that are processed by IMiS/OCR Server when it is started. Disabled jobs are ignored when IMiS/OCR Server is in processing state (default: Unchecked)

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