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For IMiS/OCR Server to operate properly you need to provide required environment.

1. In case you're installing on Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2008R2 the Interactive Services Detection Service needs to be enabled (Startup type = Manual) due to the fact that IMiS/OCR Server is currently an interactive service which has its console opened in Session 0 (Console) which is prohibited in operating systems stated above (see: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/patricka/archive/2010/04/27/what-is-interactive-services-detection-and-why-is-it-blinking-at-me.aspx)
The initiative is already in place to modify the product is such manner that it will conform to new Windows Services guidelines so this requirement can be considered as temporary.

2. If you will be using IMiS/OCR Server as a Domino service, the operating system should be up-to-date with all security patches and configured to use TCP/IP or other network protocol to connect to IBM Lotus Domino Server. Since IMiS/OCR Server acts as a Domino Directory user, its username should be registered in Domino Directory and its ID file acquired.

Examples of IMiS/OCR Server user.id hierarchy:
CN=OCR Server/OU=IMiS Development/O=IMiS
CN=OCR Server/OU=your-unit/O=your-organization

Password is optional and can be cleared or it can be entered in IMiS/OCR Server preferences to be used when authentication to IBM Lotus Domino Server is necessary. IBM Lotus Notes Client should be installed and configured to be used as a normal user. Use user.id for the client identity and open users mailbox on the server. Client software can be left opened or closed.

3. If you will be using IMiS/OCR Server as a web service, no special requirements are needed except a working TCP/IP stack. Access to IMiS/OCR Server Web Service ports can be limited by Windows Firewall or other security services. No instructions is provided on reconfiguring these services. Administrator should consult appropriate documentation on reconfiguration specifics.

For installation guide look at the chapters ahead.

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