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How IMiS/ICR client works

IMiS/ICR client is designed for verification of recognized data. It is started by clicking on IMiS ICR verification button in Notes document. Let us describe the procedure of verification:

1. ICR settings are read from appropriate profile document (the one with current Notes document form name as key)

2. Image is retrieved from storage and loaded in ICR batch. IMPORTANT: Scanned form has to be the first object in IMiS table.

3. Form is recognized.

4. Recognized data is verified in FIELD and/or GROUP verification mode which we call FIRST VERIFICATION PHASE. It depends on template settings in batch. Picture bellow shows GROUP verification mode, where all characters with same recognition result are verified together:

It is very easy to find incorrectlly recognized character with GROUP verification mode. It is very appropriate mode for numeric fields, because there are only 10 digits.

Next picture shows FIELD verification mode, where verification is done field by field.

FIELD verification mode is appropriate for alphanumeric fields, because there are too many possible characters for GROUP verification to be effective.

5. Verified data is written to Notes document.

6. Data is validated after first verification phase. Validation algorithm can be written by customer directlly in LotusScript code under IMiS ICR verification button . See Customizing IMiS/ICR client for more details. IMiS/ICR client verification process is finished if validation is OK, otherwise second verification phase appears.

7. Recognized data is verified in DOCUMENT verification mode which we call SECOND VERIFICATION PHASE. This phase appears only if validation after first verification phase is not successfull. Picture below shows user interface in DOCUMENT verification mode:

Original scanned image is on the left side, recognized data is on the right side and enlarged part of image with currentlly verified field is at the bottom part of the screen. User can verify and correct data, but important is that user can check data at document level. Sometimes validation fails because of incorrectlly filled form and not because of incorrect recognition and thats why this mode is very important.

When user is satisfied with verification he has to switch back to Notes client (the easiest way is to use ALT + TAB) and clicks on OK button in Verification message box, as seen in the picture below:

8. Verified data is written to Notes document.

9. Data is validated after second verification phase. IMiS/ICR client verification process is finished if validation is OK otherwise user can go back to step 7.

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