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Contents settings
The powerful feature of IMiS/BatchScan is adding additional custom information, called Contents, to documents during the scanning process.
Defining contents:
On the Contents category of the Profile settings dialog you can define the contents. Content items can be added or removed only when the profile is empty (i.e has no documents). If you define the contents you will have to enter and save the contents items values for every document during batch scanning. You can make content hiden during scanning with selecting option Hide content. This is usefull if you want to have only fixed values in your content items.
Content items:
Content item consist of description and type. To add a new content item click Add button. In the Description field type the name of the content item. To remove the selected content item click Remove button. In the Input type combobox select the type of the content item. There are five content types supported in IMiS/BatchScan, the Boolean type with the possible values True or False, the Number type for integer or real values, the Date type for a valid date value, the String type for custom string values.
List content items:
All types can have a List values. You can add string values by entering a string in the List values field and clicking on the plus button. You can remove a selected value by clicking on the minus button. List values must be unique. You can add or remove a value, even if the profile is not empty.
Fixed part of Number or String content items:
When selecting Number or String type a Fixed part text box appears. User can set number or string value that will appear when entering contents, for example user can specify a part of the invoice number, that is always the same. Fixed part can be changed even if the profile is not empty.
Content item's position:
Content item's position is a region on the page preview to which application zooms in on when the content item is selected in the Contents form in the process of scanning or viewing documents. Content item's position can't be defined in the Profile settings dialog. It is defined on the page preview after at least one document is created. (see Contents for more details)
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