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IMiS/ICR Server
IMiS/ICR Server is main forms processing module. It recognizes batch of forms. See ScreenCam movie of IMiS/ICR Server that's available on our Web site (http://www.imaging4notes.com) where you can see example of handprint recognition application that we have developed as a project for Slovenian Tax Department of Ministry of Finance.
When correctlly set, IMiS/ICR server will check for images on specified folder and when new images appear, it will match them with template, recognize and validate them and then export recognized data to specified database. Original images can also be send to target database or any external storage.
IMiS/ICR Server's main element is BATCH. It contains templates. Template defines form's structure parameters. Every scanned form has to have matched template and template matching is the first phase of form recognition in IMiS/ICR server. Template also defines field locations and its data types. When template is matched it also means that fields are found and can be recognized. Recognized data is validated with rules or special validation procedures in additionall libraries. After validation data is exported to specified target database. Verification is done with IMiS/ICR client.
Field types that can be recognized:
- text field
- checkmark
- radio group
- picture
- barcode
- static text
- formula
See following documents for more details on how to set IMiS/ICR server:
| 3.4.1 IMiS/ICR Server settings |
| 3.4.2 How IMiS/ICR server works |
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