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Webservice job
Webservice job is used to set up IMiS/OCR Server to run as a webservice, enabling a programmable remote optical recognition of image documents. Clients can communicate to IMiS/OCR Server over HTTP protocol using SOAP standard. WSDL style used to describe IMiS/OCR Server webservice interface is RPC/Encoded.
Job name: specifies the name of the job that is being used in both screen and file logs. Job name cannot be edited once job is saved.
Job Type: specifies the selected job type, in this case Webservice. Job type cannot be changed once job is saved.
Report statistics/error messages: currently this checkbox is currently not used with webservice job and is ignored (default: Unchecked)
Enabled: check this option to enable/disable current job. It tells IMiS/OCR Server whether or not the job is active (default: Unchecked)
See the following subchapters for details on Notes Application job settings:
| HTTP Server |
| Webservice Preferences |
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