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IMiS/OCR Server 9.x.2306
IMiS/OCR Server
This is the first release after Imaging Systems d.o.o. was acquired by MARG d.o.o. to form a new company MARGIS d.o.o.. This release uses the last 32-bit version of OCR module available by the principal, which means the future 32-bit releases will only contain changes and fixes related to our own IMiS/OCR Server code. You are welcome to try our demo IMiS/OCR Server at
. Note that the service is not available for emails from public domains, but you may request access to test its performance. For more information contact us at
IMiS/OCR Server Service:
What's new:
Changed company Imaging Systems with Margis (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Change OCR engine log file to ocrengine.txt and keep log file (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Prevent OCR processing when write to log fails (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Updated mime2ext table with mime types from IMiS/Archive 10.2 (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Updated imispdfa.dll to version 10.3.2210.12 (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed Preprocessing OCR setting Deskew image on FRE12 (applies to 9.12.2306)
* Fixed default PictureFormatGray and PictureFormatColor values for EPUB format (applies to 9.10.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed comments for GLOBDetectInvertedImage and GLOBDeskewImage (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* uses imispdfa.dll 10.3.2210.12
* uses imisconv.dll 9.1.1406.22
* uses imisweb.dll 6.4.1903.85
IMiS/OCR Server Console:
What's new:
* Changed company Imaging Systems with Margis (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
Removed Lotus from Notes Client group box caption (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Added Job delete conformation dialog (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Disable Job delete button on unsaved new job (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Changed label from IMiS/ARC to IMiS/ARChive Server (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Using EqualBool function in TJobsDlg.SettingsModified (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Skipping job settings based on job mode (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Changed About box image and updated copyright notices (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Editable paths on Preferences and JobEditor dialogs (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed checking inherit default OCR parameters (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed positions of RTF, DOCX and ODT output format controls (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed unchecking inherit default OCR parameters (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed detecting Job.DbAppendStats settings change in TJobsDlg.SettingsModified (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed TCheckBox control widths in JobEditor Mailbox Preferences Additional tab (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
* Fixed enabled state of custom view with invalid expression on Statistics dialog (applies to 9.4.2306-9.12.2306)
Supported platforms and minimum hardware requirements:
Microsoft Windows 10,
Microsoft Windows Server 2016,
Microsoft Windows Server 2019
- Intel® Pentium 4 processor 1GHz (Intel® multicore 1,6GHz processor or more recommended)
- USB 2.0 port for hardware protection key
- 1GB RAM (2GB or more recommended)
- 2GB disk space or more recommended
- Using OCR Server with Domino infrastructure (Notes Mailbox & Notes Application job): minimum HCL Lotus Notes Client version 9.0.0, 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0; recommended HCL Lotus Notes Client 9.0.1, 10.0.1, 11.0.1, 12.0.2 (Basic or Full)
Related Documents:
IMiS/OCR Server 9.x.2
IMiS/OCR Server 8.x or earlier not supported on Windows 10
IMiSOCRServerProcessedObjs format changes
Sending OCR or PDF requests to IMiS/OCR Server
Multiple recognition languages in IMiS/OCR Server
Processed objects in IMiS/OCR Server Notes Application job
Setting IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
Using IMiS/OCR Server as webservice
USB keys should not be removed while USB protected product is running
Statute amendment of company IS d.o.o.
The change of company MARGIS, inzeniring d.o.o. headquarters
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Copyright © Imaging Systems Ltd, 2025