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IMiS/wScan 1.9.2310
This release of IMiS/wScan is the first release after Imaging Systems d.o.o. was acquired by MARG d.o.o. to form a new company MARGIS d.o.o.. Besides changes related to this merger, this release includes new features such as highlight annotation, components for printing and scanning resolution, support for multiple API keys and changed svg icons.
What's new:
IMiS/Capture Service:
* Company changed from Imaging Systems to MARGIS
* Changed registry and file system paths to Margis
* Changed Document mime overrides registry path to Margis
* Added support for Highlight annotation
* Allow multiple API keys in Service key on Settings dialog Security tab, save first API key in apikey.js
* Using trimmed Service key values as API keys on Settings dialog Security tab
* Using trimmed comma delimited Origins values on Settings dialog Security tab
* Changed IMiS/Capture Service API version to 6
* Changed PageCount document separation implementation
* Allow connected unloaded scanner as default scanner
* Enable Settings dialog OK button only when scanner state changes
* Changed scanner loading, unplugging, plugging and synchronization of available scanners
* Changed default internal log size from 1MB to 10MB
* Upgrade to .NET Framework 4.6.2 and .NET Standard 2.0
* Upgrade to imisbase.net.dll 10.4.2310 (build 50)
* Upgrade to Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.3
* Upgrade to Pixtools for .NET 21.4 (build 422)
* Upgrade to XFINIUM.PDF 12.1.4
* Upgrade to Softek Barcode SDK
IMiS/wScan Client:
Added highlights
* Changed svg icons
* Added imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.Scan print(), canPrint
* Added imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.ResolutionDropdownButton
* Changed imis.scan.ui.ResolutionDropdownButton, imis.scan.ui.ColorDropdownButton width
* Added imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.Scan print button
* Added imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.ImageScroll fitToWidth
* Added imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.ImageScroll, imis.scan.ui.ImageView zoomFactor
Bug fixes:
IMiS/Capture Service:
* Fixed unsubscribing Events.ProfileChangedEvent in Job finalizer
* Fixed Job.TryGetResource method
* Fixed ArgumentNullException on module identifier in Profile.ModuleChanged
* Fixed registry profiles settings import/export issue
* Fixed logs resource Uri parameter in Info.CopyFrom method
* Fixed reload scanner when profile is reloaded
* Fixed PixStorageDetachedException after deleting document page
* Fixed deleting profile in Profiles.ProfilesCollectionChanged event
* Fixed deleting job in Jobs.JobsCollectionChanged event
* Fixed retrieving thumbnails for height as decimal value
* Fixed Windows Firewall inbound rule with added websocket port
* Fixed passing driver values in ScannerToolkitServer.LoadScanner
* Fixed xcopy parameters in post build event
* Fixed FolderTarget.Export override method
* Fixed ObjectDisposedException on Page.PixImage when moving page
* Fixed ObjectDisposedException on Page.PixImage when splitting document
* Fixed ObjectDisposedException on Page.PixImage when joining documents
* Fixed rectangle can not exceed page size error in FolderTargetHandler.Crop
* Fixed loading Kofax driver or scanner assigned to Kofax
* Fixed NullReferenceException in ScannerToolkitClient.MessageReceived
* Fixed updating driver values in ScannerNative.ShowConfigurationDialog
* Fixed NullReferenceException in ScannerDriver.LoadDriver method
* Fixed ScannerNative.Scan method not to release scanner driver on error
IMiS/wScan Client:
Fixed crop, redaction, highlight draw rectangle out of page
* Fixed imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.ImageContainer multiple rectangles
* Fixed imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.ProfilesButton settings ok, cancel visibility
* Fixed imis.scan.ui.js imis.scan.ui.ImageContainer move rectangle color
* Fixed icon colors
* Fixed 'Invalid width' and 'Invalid height' in imis.scan.Page.crop()
* Fixed drawing region rectangle in mouse move event
* Fixed setting region rectangle start point in mouse up event
Related Documents:
Upgrading IMiS/wScan to version 1.9.2310
IMiS/wScan 1.8.2210
IMiS/wScan product online activation
Enabling HTTPS with self-signed certificate in Firefox browser
Configuring HTTPS in IMiS/wScan and Samples
Statute amendment of company IS d.o.o.
The change of company MARGIS, inzeniring d.o.o. headquarters
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Copyright © Imaging Systems Ltd, 2025