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IMiS Common Errors

This is a list of common errors that could occurs on workstations with IMiS/Scan, IMiS/View or IMiS/OCR Client modules:

1 = "IMiS files can not be found. IMiS process terminated..." IMiS/Scan or IMiS/View is not installed while user is enabled in IMiSAdmin.nsf

3 = "IMiS not activated for current user. IMiS process terminated." User is not activated (enabled) in IMiSAdmin.nsf

4 = "Error while reading Object ID. ID is not valid." Check encription setting in a profile document of particular NSF.

8 = "Error while retrieving IMiS object." General Error. Check network connection and/or storage server.

9 = "Current user does not have storage server selected. Scan process will be terminated." Check storage server settings in IMiSAdmin.nsf.

12 = "';' is not allowed in object description..." Check Predefined object descriptions in profile document of particular NSF.

13 = "Scan process has not finished properly!" Check scanner (and/or scanner settings).

17 = "IMiS administration database can not be found." Check IMiSAdmin.nsf location (Domino Server Name and path).

21 = "Temp directory can not be found!"

28 = "Error while getting info about storage server." Check server list in IMiSAdmin.nsf

30 = "Error while retrieving IMiS object. Do you wish to receive it by email?" Check network connection to LN:DI MSS server or launch Remote Delivery Request.

31 = "You have no rights to use additional IMiS functions! " Check Restrictions in profile document of particular NSF.

32 = "OCR client finished with errors. "

33 = "This functionality is supported only on WIN32 platform. IMiS process terminated!"

35 = "Error while importing object. Process terminated!"

Unknown errorError for which cause is not determined. See "imis.log" file for more info.
Invalid parameter for storageOne of the parameters for accessing storage is not valid. Probably incorrect values for input parameters.
UnsupportedDocument image format is unsupported by PixTools. / COM: User wants to use unsupported method in IMiSClient.
(Trying to scanning with IMiS/View)
User cancelUser aborted current process (ie. new scanned document was not saved).
InconsistentDocument was partly saved. Occurs when document is saved, but on closing of this document, saving was aborted.
Storage engine initSomething is wrong with storage provider library. Possible causes are:
  • iarcli.dll cannot be found on location written in Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IS\IMiS\AppPath
  • imismss cannot connect to MSS; usually because of network problems (unknown hostname, ...)
  • ODMA provider requested but not available
Object not foundRequested object does not exist or invalid object ID value is given. / Document is opened in another application (Word, Excell,...).
Out of memoryNot enough memory to complete requested operation.
Read errorError reading object from storage media.
Write errorError writing object to storage media, possible cause is lack of free storage space or file can not be created on file system.
Invalid accessNot enough user privileges to complete current operation.
Possible causes are:
  • odma client - not enough rights to read/write document
  • file system - file is read-only and edit was requested or not enough rights to read/write file
Log message write errorError while writing message to action log.
Log entry write errorError while writing entry to action log.
Log query errorError while sending log query to action log.
Invalid storageProfile for IMiS/Arc server does not exist.
Invalid TIFF pageRequested page from tiff image does not exist.
Application faultIMiS client has crashed and it will be restarted latter.
Network problemNo connection to storage provider or storage provider is not running.

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