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HTML format

HTML format section provides tuning parameters of recognized text export in HTML format.

Code page: this property specifies the code page to which the recognized text is exported. If this property is <(Automatic)> the code page is selected automatically using the Code page type property value (default: (Automatic))

Text encoding: specifies the encoding type of the output file in TXT format (default: Auto)
HTML Format: stores the value of picture resolution (dpi) that is used for exporting pictures for HTML format (default: Full (requires IE 4.0 or higher))
Layout: use this parameter to tell OCR engine to what degree it should retain page layout (default: Retain full page layout)
Use line as page break: if this property is checked and several pages are exported in HTML format, <HR> tag is inserted between pages which makes browser draw a horizontal rule (default: Checked)

Keep line breaks: this option specifies if original lines in recognized text are retained during export in HTML format (default: Checked)

Retain text color: specifies if original colors of text and background are retained during export of the recognized text in HTML format (default: Checked)

Use Unicode: specifies if Unicode is used for writing recognized text into HTML file (default: Unchecked)

Keep pictures: specifies if pictures are written in files in RTF format (default: Checked)

Picture format: specifies the image format to be used during export to HTML; images are saved to separate files (default: Automatic)
Picture resolution: stores the value of picture resolution (dpi) that is used for exporting pictures for HTML format (default: 200)

JPEG quality: stores the value of the JPEG quality for color pictures saved in HTML format in percent (default: 50)

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