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Using IMiS Tech Support with IMiS/Scan or IMiS/View

Product:IMiS/Scan, IMiS/Scan++, IMiS/View, IMiS/View++

Case: When solving issues related to IMiS/Scan or IMiS/View client application, IMiS support usually asks customer to provide log files in order to identify the reasons behind the issue at hand. IMiS client application simplifies this task with the IMiS Tech Support feature that collects version information of the installed IMiS client and its log files to hopefully solve the issue in a quick and efficient manner.


To use IMiS Tech Support feature go to IMiS client document window Help menu and click on the "IMiS Tech Support" menu item.

IMiS client collects version info and log files, than opens default email client and creates a new message for the addressee support@imis.si.

The message contains version information about the OS, installed IMiS client application and its utility libraries, and the attached imis.zip file containing IMiS client application logs, iarcio.log and the application rotating log.

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'Enable logging in IMiS client' Enable logging in IMiS client
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'Common IMiS/Scan & IMiS/View errors' Common IMiS/Scan & IMiS/View errors

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