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IMiS/Storage Connector 9.10.1910 .NET Interface

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

Case: This release of IMiS/Storage Connector provides some new functionalities of IMiS/ARChive 9.10 and cleans up API interface of methods and properties not implemented by the archive. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* new: ChildClassificationCodeMode enum
* new: SignatureDisposition enum
* change: StorageType enum removed
* change: StorageConnector.OptionDiscoveryHint constant removed
* change: StorageConnector.OptionDiscoveryArchiveTypes constant removed
* change: StorageConnector.ReadOptionDiscoveryHint internal method removed
* change: StorageConnector.ReadOptionDiscoveryArchiveTypes internal method removed
* change: StorageConnector.OpenFileSystemStorage method removed
* change: StorageConnector.OpenDocumentManagerStorage method removed
* change: StorageConnector.OpenContentManagerStorage method removed
* change: StorageConnector.OpenFileSystemStorage method removed
* change: StorageConnector.ObjectTransfer method sourceIdKind parameter type changed to ObjectIdKind
* change: Storage.StoreType property removed
* change: Storage.Capacity property removed
* change: Storage.SpaceAvailable property removed
* change: Storage.SpaceUsed property removed
* change: Storage.ObjectCount property removed
* change: Storage.MoveObject methods removed
* change: Storage.GetProfileCapacity method removed
* change: Storage.GetProfileSpaceAvailable method removed
* change: Storage.GetProfileSpaceUsed method removed
* change: Storage.GetProfileObjectCount method removed
* change: Document.Created property removed
* change: Document.Modified property removed
* change: Document.LastAccessed property removed
* change: Document.Clone method removed
* change: Document.Move method removed
* change: IASessionPool.CleanSessions method removed
* change: IASessionPoolManager thread removed
* new: IBinaryValue.Size property
* new: IStringMaxValue.Size property
* change: IReviewStub.SetStatus method removed
* change: IEntityStub.Move method with classificationCode parameter
* new: added IEntityStub.ParentId property
* change: IEntityStub.IsChildClassificationCodeGenerated property replaced with ChildClassificationCodeMode
* new: added IEntity.ParentId property
* change: IClass.IsChildClassificationCodeGenerated property replaced with ChildClassificationCodeMode
* change: IFolder.IsChildClassificationCodeGenerated property replaced with ChildClassificationCodeMode
* new: added IReadOnlyContent.SignatureDisposition property
* new: added IReadOnlyProperty.IsFullTextIndexed property
* change: IReadOnlyEntityRights.IsPropagated property replaced with IsDisabledForSubtree
* new: added IReadOnlyEntityRights.IsDelegateContext property
* new: added IReadOnlyEntityRights.IsDisabledForThis property
* change: IEntityRights.IsPropagated property replaced with IsDisabledForSubtree
* new: added IEntityRights.IsDelegateContext property
* new: added IEntityRights.IsDisabledForThis property
* change: IReadOnlyPropertyRights.IsPropagated property replaced with IsDisabledForSubtree
* new: added IReadOnlyPropertyRights.IsDelegateContext property
* new: added IReadOnlyPropertyRights.IsDisabledForThis property
* change: IPropertyRights.IsPropagated property replaced with IsDisabledForSubtree
* new: added IPropertyRights.IsDelegateContext property
* new: added IPropertyRights.IsDisabledForThis property
* change: Discovery.Discovery method parameter change
* new: added IDirectory.Search method
* new: added IDirectoryEntity.Created property
* new: added IDirectoryEntity.CreatedBy property
* new: added IDirectoryEntity.Modified property
* new: added IDirectoryEntity.ModifiedBy property
* new: added IUserProfile.Created property
* new: added IUserProfile.CreatedBy property
* new: added IUserProfile.Modified property
* new: added IUserProfile.ModifiedBy property

* fix: fixed shared collections read period
* fix: fixed IAStorage mSessionPool NullReferenceException
* fix: fixed shared dictionaries Clear method
* fix: fixed SharedData.RefreshDirectoryEntity method
* fix: Template.EvaluatePickListValues method for UInt8 values fix
* fix: fixed archive close deadlock
* fix: fixed AbstractEntity property (Added refresh template)
* fix: fixed retention policy guard
* fix: fixed StorageConnector.OpenIMiSARCStorage
* fix: fixed retention policy read content
* fix: fixed ContentPart audit log message
* fix: fixed Retention audit log message
* fix: fixed Review.QueryExpression, Review.Scope
* fix: fixed DirectoryEntity reading security class
* fix: fixed IASessionPoolManager persistent sessions
* fix: fixed IASessionPoolManager kerberos ticket option
* fix: fixed Entity.ChildClassificationCodeMode setter
* fix: fixed property directory entity read
* fix: fixed XML comments
* fix: fixed session open callback
* fix: fixed CachedDictionary collection was modified
* fix: fixed Archive.Close
* fix: fixed Storage documentation
* fix: fixed refresh template (content)
* fix: fixed IASessionPoolManager.ReleaseSessionPool, ReleaseSessionPool.Close
* fix: fixed Entity.GetReport guard
* fix: fixed EntityStub constructor documentation

IMiS/Storage Connector 9.10.1910 .NET libraries:
* storageconnector.net.dll 9.10.1910.150
* imisbase.net.dll 9.10.1910.45
* iarcli.net.dll 9.10.1910.101
* iacxapi.net.dll 3.1.1903.9
* Uses .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 or 4.0

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector 9.10.1904 .NET Interface for IMiS/ARChive v9.10' IMiS/Storage Connector 9.10.1904 .NET Interface for IMiS/ARChive v9.10
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET' Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

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