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IMiS/Storage Connector 3.1.1707 JAVA Interface

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA

Case: This release introduces new Storage methods with options parameter to support the use of external ids, methods for setting and resolving external identifiers and other bug fixes and improvements. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* new: ContentTypeMapper internal class with legacy Office documents content type mappings
* new: Storage.createObject() abstract method with options parameter
* new: Storage.openObject() abstract method with options parameter
* new: Storage.deleteObject() abstract method with options parameter
* new: Storage.setExternalObjectId() method
* new: Storage.resolveExternalObjectId() methods
* change: IASessionPool constructor throws exception if max session count is less then 1
* change: IASessionPool constructor trims system property StorageConnector.ISC_SESSION_WAIT_SPIN_COUNT value
* change: StorageConnectorLogger constructor trims StorageConnector's ISC_INTERNAL_LOG_DIR, ISC_INTERNAL_LOG_FILE_NAME, ISC_INTERNAL_LOG_SIZE and ISC_INTERNAL_LOG_COUNT values
* change: IASessionPoolManager constructor trims system property StorageConnector.ISC_DISABLE_SESSION_POOL_MANAGER_THREAD
* change: IASessionPoolManager.SessionPoolManagerThread.run() method trims system property StorageConnector.ISC_SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT
* new: Mime2Ext resources without custom legacy Office content types
* new: Ext2Mime resources with official Office content types
* new: ANT signjar in build.xml with URL for a timestamp authority for timestamped JAR files
* signed with new certificate valid until 20.3.2020

* fix: audit message required fix in Storage.moveObject(), Storage.storeObject() and Document.move() methods
* fix: XPS documents support (application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument)
* fix: Document.getExtensions() and getMimes() methods return empty array instead of null

IMiS/Storage Connector 3.1.1707 JAVA libraries:
* storageconnector.jar 3.1.1707.61
* iarcli.jar 3.1.1707.71
* iacxapi.jar 3.1.1602.32
* imisbase.jar 3.1.1707.23
* Uses J2SE-1.4 (jdk1.4.2_18)

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector 3.1.1602 JAVA Interface' IMiS/Storage Connector 3.1.1602 Java Interface

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