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"Pixtools/View: Decompression library not available" error using Fujitsu fi-6x30
IMiS/Scan, IMiS/Scan++
When scanning in color with Fujitsu fi-6x30 scanner using IMiS/Scan you might get "Pixtools/View: Decompression library not available" error. We believe the error starts occurring if
PaperStream IP (ISIS) driver is or was previously installed on the same machine.
The error is related to either enabled Blank Page Deletion feature or an invalid value of Cropping setting on Fujitsu fi-6x30 ISIS driver.
Color scanning with Fujitsu fi-6x30 scanner can fail with error "Pixtools/View: Decompression library not available".
1. When using IMiS/Scan with native Fujitsu fi-6x30 ISIS driver, the error can occur either when Blank Page Deletion feature is turned on or when "Automatic" value is used for Cropping setting while scanning in color.
To avoid the error, first disable ISIS driver "Blank Page Deletion" feature,
than turn on "Enable internal blank page removal" feature on IMiS/Scan Document Settings Advanced tab.
Also make sure that either "Fixed" or "Detect Length" value for ISIS driver Cropping setting is used.
2. When using IMiS/Scan with Kofax VRS 5.1 the error can occur when "Automatic" value is used for Cropping setting on Fujitsu fi-6x30 ISIS driver. Note that ISIS driver "Blank Page Deletion" feature should be disabled since blank page removal is done by Kofax VRS.
To avoid this error when scanning in color, use "Fixed" or "Detect Length" value for ISIS driver Cropping setting.
Related Documents:
IMiS/Scan & View 10.3.2210
IMiS/Scan internal blank page removal feature
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