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Running IMiS/wScan in Microsoft Edge browser.


Case: Running IMiS/wScan in Microsoft Edge browser is restricted by default. It can lead to errors such as “Error in establishing connection” or “Socket error”.


IMiS/wScan is composed of two Javascript libraries. This two libraries can be integrated into any 3rd party web application and thus enabling scanning functionality which is perform in Windows IMiS/Capture Service. Default communication channel between IMiS/wScan and IMiS/Capture Service is on localhost address. If 3rd party web application resides on internet domain different than localhost than this domain must be manually allowed as origin domain in IMiS/Capture Service settings. Although this is sufficient for IMiS/wScan to work on majority of internet browsers, it is not for Microsoft Edge browser.

For security reasons, Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 enforces network isolation. All communications between Microsot Edga and local computer is prohibited. Running IMiS/wScan in such environment will produce errors such as “Error in establishing connection” or “Socket error”.

Only solution to resolve this problem is by running the following command from an elevated (“Run as Administrator”) command prompt:

For Windows 10 Build 10158 or newer run:

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe"

For previous builds run:

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=Microsoft.Windows.Spartan_cw5n1h2txyewy

Then restart browser and run IMiS/wScan again.

Related Documents:

MSDN blog: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/msgulfcommunity/2015/07/01/how-to-debug-localhost-on-microsoft-edge/
Web page: http://solidlystated.com/software/edge-windows-10-cant-reach-localhost-sites/

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