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IMiS Database Design Enabler

Product:IMiS Database Design Enabler

Case: When I try to run the setup program "IMiSDatabaseDesignEnabler.exe" I get the
following error :
"File(s) failed to self-register

And then when I try to run the program "IMiSDesignEnabler.exe" I get the error :
"Error loading Notes\Domino COM layer interfaces. Application cannot run"


Check list for IMiS Database design enabler:

1. It ONLY works with Lotus Notes/Domino rel 5.0.2b and later
2. If you get the error above there are a few points to check:
2a: Borlandmm.dll, cp3245mt.dll MUST be in x:\windows\system (if Win95/98) or if c:\Winnt\system32 (if Winnt4/2000)
2b: lcppb21.dll, IMiSCoreFunctions.dll and IMiSUtilities.ocx MUST be in Notes folder (where Notes.exe is) OR Notes folder must be in path
2b: If the automatic instalation fails you can manualy register OCX control with REGSVR32.EXE (found with any 32 bit Windows OS)
(example: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM> regsvr32 x:\Path_to_Notes\IMiSUtilities.ocx)
This ocx control MUST be succesfully installed and registred.
3. Put IMiSDsgnEnabler.dll and IMiSDesignEnabler.exe wherever on your harddrive. Just make sure they are together.
4. IMiSDesignEnabler.exe should run with no problems.

If this solution doesn't help, contact IMiS reseler or IMiS tech support at IMiS@imis.si

The latest version of IMiS Database Design Enabler:

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