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Single sign on configuration using generic OpenID Connection plugin

Release:Since 10.3.2210

Case: Generic OpenID Connection (OIDC) plugin enables single sign on (SSO) authentication method, using external identity provider (IDP). In this article we present different configuration examples, how to configure generic OpenID Connection plugin to establish SSO.


Generic OpenID Connection plugin validates OpenID JWT token end extract information from it to resolve IMiS ARChive user identity. Plugin is configured with xml configuration tags, which are listed in next sections.

Network related xml tags:
Clock skew xml tags:
Audience xml tags:
If blacklist is defined, then such audience has denied access to OIDC authentication on IMiS ARChive server. If whitelist is defined, then only whitelisted audience is allowed to authenticate using OIDC token. Evaluation order is next: blacklist, whitelist.

Generic OIDC plugin xml tags:
Next sections represent supported fields, which may be used during field translation for identity resolving.

List of supported claims in JWT header:
List of supported claims in JWT body:
IMiS ARChive server also works as identity provider, because it contains internal directory with users and groups. To successfully map identity from IDP with identity in IMiS ARChive server, identity linking concept was introduced. User must first link local identity on IMiS ARChive server with identity, provided by IDP. User first authenticate to IMiS ARChive server, using local credentials, external authentication mechanism or any other authentication type, supported by IMiS ARChive server. Then it links current identity with IDP identity by logging to IDP. After successful logging to IDP, local identity and IDP identity are linked, and user can use SSO mechanism on next login to IMiS ARChive server.

OIDC specifications describes combination of "subject" and "issuer" as globally unique identifier across all IDP, and that combination is also preferred by IMiS ARChive plugin configuration, although administrator may configure plugin in different way. IMiS ARChive plugin configuration fields for "subject" and "issuer" configuration are next:
Each plugin field can also be additionally manipulated by using embedded translation rules and javascript. For details, check linked articles in "related documents" section.

Generic OIDC plugin contains two implementations:
Both implementations use impersonation concept. In this case, plugin acts as client, which checks "id token" signature and required field, if GenericImpersonationOIDCATValidator is used, it also checks data from "user info endpoint" (by using "access token") to match data in "id token". Next few examples demonstrate different OIDC configurations with Google and Auth0 IDP providers.

Example 1: Using GenericImpersonationOIDCATValidator on Google IDP with multiple clients, which does not support multiple audience request:

    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Subject" type="string">sub</Field>
    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Issuer" type="string">iss</Field>

Each client must be registered on Google IDP to obtain application id.

Example 2: Using GenericImpersonationOIDCATValidator on Google IDP with multiple clients, which supports multiple audience request:

    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Subject" type="string">sub</Field>
    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Issuer" type="string">iss</Field>

With this configuration, IMiS ARChive server must be registered as application on Google IDP to obtain application id. Each client, which authenticates to IMiS ARChive with JWT token, must request additional IMiS ARChive audience during authentication with IDP, so that "id token" contains "ClientId" data in "aud" field.

Example 3: Using GenericImpersonationOIDCValidator on Auth0 IDP with multiple clients and enabled debugging (multiple audience and user endpoint not supported)

    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Subject" type="string">sub</Field>
    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Issuer" type="string">iss</Field>

Example 4: Blacklisting

    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Subject" type="string">sub</Field>
    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Issuer" type="string">iss</Field>

Only "third-client-application-id" client is allowed to connect to IMiS ARChive server, using OIDC token.

Example 5: Whitelisting

    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Subject" type="string">sub</Field>
    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Issuer" type="string">iss</Field>

Only "first-client-application-id" and "second-client-application-id" clients are allowed to connect to IMiS ARChive server using OIDC token.

Example 6: Whitelisting and blacklisting:

    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Subject" type="string">sub</Field>
    <Field key="sys:dir:lid:Issuer" type="string">iss</Field>

Only "first-client-application-id" client is allowed to connect to IMiS ARChive server using OIDC token.

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'Generic connector field evaluation using javascript' - Generic connector field evaluation using javascript
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'Generic connector field evaluation using embedded translation rules' - Generic connector field evaluation using embedded translation rules

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