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How to check if entity exists using IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA

Case: How to check if entity exists using IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA


This example demonstrates operations which checks if entity stub exists on IArchive and Storage on the IMiS/ARChive Server.

Below is a description of operation for checking if entity exists.

Check if entity with classification code exists

Operation gets entity stub with classification code "C=3^C=143^D=311/2023" on IMiS/ARC archive, if there is no exception entity exists; otherwise entity does not exists or entity is not visible to the user.


IArchive archive = null;
String classificationCode = "C=3^C=143^D=311/2023";

try {
  IEntityStub entityStub = archive.getEntityInfo(EntityIdKind.CLASSIFICATION_CODE, classificationCode);
  System.out.println("Entity with classificationCode:'" + classificationCode + "' exists");
catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Entity with classificationCode:'" + classificationCode + "' does not exists");

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