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Invalid drive z:\ when installing IMiS client

Product:IMiS/Scan, IMiS/Scan++, IMiS/wScan, IMiS/View, IMiS/View++

Case: Installing IMiS/Scan over preinstalled IMiS/View can show error “Invalid drive z:”.


IMiS/View was installed from network drive Z but it is not connected anymore. Installation software InstallShiled has saved installation location for later uninstallation.
When new installation packet IMiS/Scan wants to install itself it first needs to uninstall IMiS/View. Uninstall process wants to access its install location Z drive but it can’t find it.

Solution is to make new temporary Z drive by mapping any existing directory as Z drive.
Run command in command prompt:

subst z: c:\temp

When Z drive is created proceed with IMiS/Scan installation. When IMiS/Scan is installed delete this Z drive.
Run command in command prompt:

subst z: /D

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