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Access violation at address..... PIX*.dll

Product:IMiS/Scan, IMiS/View

Case: A customer reported the following problem: after upgrade to IMiS/Scan (or IMiS/View) v3.1.307, an error occurs when view-ing existing documents.


The problem has been reported to Pixel Translations while we found a workaround:
In case that you're using LN:DI or Domino.Doc Imaging Client on your machine (or maybe even some older version of IMiS/Scan), it's quite possible that the problem with GPF is caused by different versions of Pixel's .dll, so I'd recommend the following:
1. Reboot your PC (just to be sure that all .dlls will be removed from RAM)
2. Deinstall IMiS/Scan
3. Copy all *.px* files from PIXTRAN directory on some other temporary directory (just in case that there are some ISIS drivers that you'll need for your scanner)
4. Delete complete PIXTRAN directory
5. Delete all pix*.* files on SYSTEM32 directory
6. Install eval copy of IMiS/Scan again.
(No need to do anything with IMiSAdmin.nsf and other related settings in Notes applications.)

Related Documents:

You can also use the following utility to check version of all files in a selected directory. (In that particular case, check for pix*.* files on SYSTEM32 and all files on PIXTRAN directory.

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