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IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1710 .NET Interface for IMiS/ARChive v9.8

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

Case: This release provides fixes related to DateTime properties and saving retention. From now on DateTime properties should always return values in local time and saving retention with invalid entry should now work properly. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* new: ArchiveFeatures.ContentDetach, ContentIndex and ContentConvert enum values
* new: ArchiveCapabilities.ContentManagement enum value
* change: DispositionHoldEntry.Delete method throws exception on closed retention
* change: RetentionPolicyEntry.Delete method throws exception on closed retention
* change: Retention.Open method logs entry and exit
* change: using IMiS/ARChive 9.8 content types in Mime2Ext and Ext2Mime tables
* change: Document extensions and mimes arrays initialization
* new: Storage.AuditLogQuery with object options parameter
* change: Archive.AuditLogQuery method mapping entity to object identifier options
* change: demo version valid until 1.1.2019

* fix: AbstractEntity.Created, Modified and Accessed properties return local time
* fix: AbstractEntityStub.StubCreated, StubModified and StubAccessed properties return local time
* fix: ContentPart.Created, Modified and Accessed properties return local time
* fix: DispositionHold.Created, Modified and Accessed properties return local time
* fix: RetentionPolicy.Created, Modified and Accessed properties return local time
* fix: EntityRights.ValidFrom and ValidTo properties return local time
* fix: PropertyRights.ValidFrom and ValidTo properties return local time
* fix: Property.GetValues and GetXmlValues methods return local time for property types Date, Time and DateTime
* fix: ReadOnlyProperty.GetValues and GetXmlValues methods return local time for property types Date, Time and DateTime
* fix: Retention.Save method after retention close commit error fix
* fix: Retention.Close method after retention close commit error fix
* fix: IAObject.Initialize when no extensions for a content type is defined fix
* fix: ContentTypeMapper methods documentation fix
* fix: Storage.ResolveExternalObjectId using options parameter fix

IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1710 .NET libraries:
* storageconnector.net.dll 9.8.1710.134
* imisbase.net.dll 9.8.1710.36
* iarcli.net.dll 9.8.1710.93
* iacxapi.net.dll 3.1.1704.8
* Uses .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 or 4.0

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1706 .NET Interface' IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1706 .NET Interface Release Candidate
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET' Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector .NET

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