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IMiS/Scan & View 9.10.2002

Product:IMiS/Scan, IMiS/Scan++, IMiS/View, IMiS/View++

Case: IMiS Client 9.10.2002 has been released. Trial version is available for testing purposes by sending a request to info@imis.si.


This patch version provids fixes for saving Software and Author tags, displaying Document Information dates and scanning metadata, updated IMiS Tech Support request and some other minor fixes and changes.

What's new:
* Changed implementation and visual appearance of Tech Support request mail
* Sending zipped log files in TPixEzImgForm.ActionTechSupportExecute
* Delete zipped log files after send in TPixEzImgForm.ActionTechSupportExecute
* Changed SendMail function to trap exceptions and return error code
* Using custom application manifest including OS version check support
* Added MapiErrorMessage function to resolve MAPI error codes to messages
* Changed IMiSGetVersionInfo implementation using new WMCommandGetVersionInfo
* Added Software signature information to Main.DoSignObject function
* Added name for WMCommandGetVersionInfo to ExeAPI.GetWMCommandName
* Added version info language resource for IMiSapi project
* Changed TMainForm.ApplicationException to not terminate on successful TPixEzImgForm close
* Changed implementation of TMainForm.NewDocumentClick
* Document new and open error messages separated in TPixEzImgForm.FormShow
* Document closed after re-open error in TPixEzImgForm.ActionSaveExecute
* Changed display Created and Modified timestamps for TIFF format
* Changed TPixEzImgForm.ezPageViewAfterScanSave to fill document info after new scanned page
* Changed location of open test after refresh
* Fill empty meta data with default values if not read from file
* Changed reading PDF creation date in TPDFProperties.GetCreateDate
* Changed reading PDF modification date in TPDFProperties.GetModifyDate
* Changed TPixEzImgForm.FormResize to trap and ignore errors
* Changed TPixEzImgForm.FormMouseWheel to trap and ignore errors
* Changed PixEzWnd.MergePages to catch TmpImg.Close exceptions and add new log entires
* Prevent CheckPaste on form activate in TPixEzImgForm.WndProc until document is shown
* Using certificate valid until 23.1.2023
* Changed copyright notices on About box dialog

* Fixed saving Software and Author tags through Scan status dialog
* Fixed memory leaks and AV using FastMM4
* Fixed TPDFProperties.Producer property incorrectly returning scanner name
* Fixed page index setting in TPixEzImgForm.lvAnnotInfoSelectItem
* Skip stamp annotation type when adding annotations in TPixEzImgForm.FillAnnotInfo
* Fixed support mail address in TPixEzImgForm.ActionTechSupportExecute
* Fixed Usefull.GetOSVersionInfo function to include Windows 8.1 an 10
* Fixed close query after document new or open error in TPixEzImgForm.FormShow
* Fixed determine file format from header in TPixEzImgForm.FormShow
* Fixed IMiS/API Slovenian resource dll in imisapi.dproj
* Read meta data from PDF only when PDF is signed and PageCount property is not 0
* Fixed test of string timestamp parameter in TSignatureDate.Create
* Fixed update metadata after scan, paste and delete operations

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/Scan & View 9.10.1910' IMiS/Scan & View 9.10.1910

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