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IMiS/wScan 1.8.2204


Case: This release comes with several new features such as upload content from local file system, split and join documents, setting documents metadata and editing separator barcode.


What's new:
IMiS/Capture Service:
* New Upload job REST method for uploading files from local file system (HTTP POST jobs/{token}/upload)
* Updated Start job REST method to capture documents from device (ie. scanner) or uploaded file (HTTP POST jobs/{token}/start)
* New Split document: (HTTP POST jobs/{token}/docs/{doc_id}/split)
* New Join documents REST method: (HTTP POST jobs/{token}/docs/{doc_id}/join)
* New Set document attributes REST method (HTTP POST jobs/{token}/docs/{doc_id}/setattributes)
* New Set barcode separator REST method (HTTP POST jobs/{token}/docs/{doc_id}/setseparator)
* New REST methods to retrieve logs from Service, Admin and Toolkit applications via HTTP GET info:
1. Get logs info:
- HTTP GET info/logs
- HTTP GET info/logs/service
- HTTP GET info/logs/toolkit
- HTTP GET info/logs/admin
2. Get log files:
- HTTP GET info/logs/download/
- HTTP GET info/logs/service/download/
- HTTP GET info/logs/toolkit/download/
- HTTP GET info/logs/admin/download/
* Define metadata for captured document in profile settings
* Add document metadata during document capture
* Add or remove detected barcode separator
* Notify web application of plug/unplug scanner events
* Changed how document MIME type is determined from file extension:
1. use Ext-ContentType override if one exist from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Imaging Systems\IMiS Capture Service\Content Types
2. check (Default) value in MIME overrides registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Imaging Systems\IMiS Capture Service\Content Types
- if value equals Windows than get mime from Windows registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT extensions
- otherwise use internal Ext2Mime table from IMiS/Base library
* Improved inserting/overwriting pages to selected document via scanner or file upload
* Improved continuing capturing documents using changed profile
* Separate logs for each application (Service, Admin and Toolkit)
* Admin application is now run in administrative mode
* Improved speed performance while capturing documents from scanner or file upload
* Enable capturing pages with different color format within a document or new documents within a job
* Returning page and thumbnail in a format based on color format (ie. PNG for B/W and JPEG for Gray & Color)
* Show wait cursor when opening "Hardware options" on Admin Settings dialog

IMiS/wScan Client:
* Add profile attributes settings for documents
* Set barcode separator
* Upload from file on Start, Continue button and Insert/Overwrite menu items
* Split document menu item
* Join documents menu item
* Capturing progress bar on Start and Continue button
* Callback for displaying browser notification for completed action
* Added Insert/Overwrite mode menu item
* Set page and thumbnail image format (bmp, png, jpg or gif)
* Added save profile changes dialog on change profile
* Changed control used for profile selection
* Improved functionality of dropdown controls
* Action completed browser notification window for split, delete, move and join actions
* Show Properties context menu item only where applicable
* Improved thumbnail display of selected document
* Changed functionality of cursor

Bug fixes:
IMiS/Capture Service:
* Prevent using invalid profile's path from Source to Target module before running a job
* Fixed reading profile scanner state after service restart
* Fixed showing "Hardware options" in front of Admin Settings dialog when Toolkit is run by Admin application
* Fixed slow start of capturing documents from scanner or file upload
* Fixed too many "Job completed" notifications when using actions over documents
* Fixed continuing capturing documents while using Barcode separator
* Fixed inserting/overwriting pages
* Fixed continuing capturing from device or from upload on current document
* Fixed resolution on deserialized capture images
* Prevent service restart when using Cancel on Setting dialog
* Fixed TargetInvocationException in action methods using list of events
* Fixed synchronization of methods that change Document.Pages collection
* Prevent releasing null value in Utils.ReleaseToken method
* Fixed previous ids document and page events in FolderTargetHandler.Process method
* Fixed reading barcode types setting in BarcodeExtractor module clone
* Fixed Modules.Add method to use type name key only if module has no identifier
* Fixed loading scanner values after new scanner plugged in
* Fixed subscribing to ScannerDriverChangeEvent on ScannerSource modules in cloned job profile

IMiS/wScan Client:
* Fixed control states based on scanner availability
* Fixed scanning in "Overwrite Before" mode
* Fixed moving page to another document
* Fixed minimum value for page count separator set to 1
* Fixed display of long barcode separator values (e.g. QRCode)
* Fixed display of values in drop down menu
* Fixed Scan button state after all profiles are removed
* Fixed Previous/Next page controls while scanning
* Fixed disable adding redaction after clicking Done
* Fixed refreshing client page after session reconnect
* Fixed showing document properties after deleting document
* Fixed displaying scanner settings on profile change
* Fixed "The request is invalid" when changing profile name
* Fixed showing Settings tab after all profiles are removed
* Fixed showing default scanner color in new profile
* Fixed showing Save profile dialog after deleting changed profile

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/wScan 1.7.2110' IMiS/wScan 1.7.2110
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'IMiS/wScan product online activation' IMiS/wScan product online activation
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document 'Configuring HTTPS in IMiS/wScan and Samples' Configuring HTTPS in IMiS/wScan and Samples

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