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IMiS ARChive common errors during object transfer operation

Release:Since 9.10.1904

Case: Object transfer operation is operation which moves legacy entity into IMiS ARChive classification code tree. In this article we describe common errors which may occur during operation and what cause these errors.


During object transfer operation there are many cases which may result in error and aborted operation. Here we describe common error cases and cause why errors may occur.

Case 1: Errors which are related to ACL rights.

User does not have rights to create content on property '<property name>' on destination entity '<entity classification code>', operation aborted.
User does not have rights to read property '<property name>' on destination entity '<entity classification code>', operation aborted.
User does not have rights to edit property '<property name>' on destination entity '<entity classification code>', operation aborted.
User does not have rights to read property '<property name>' on source entity '<entity classification code>', operation aborted.

User does not have valid effective rights to process object transfer operation. On destination property, user must have "read" and "write" rights on property, where legacy content is transferred. It must also have "create" right, if destination property is empty. User must have "read" right on legacy object property, where content if transferred from.

Case 2: Errors in object transfer API request.

Duplicate object or entity id '<entity identifier>' passed in request, operation aborted.
At least 2 objects must be present in request for object transfer operation.
Destination property name is not present or empty string was passed.

Wrong parameters were passed to object transfer API. Correct API parameters to fix errors.

Case 3: Errors which are related to destination entity checks.

Destination entity '<entity classification code>' is not document, operation aborted.
Destination entity '<entity classification code>' state is not valid, operation aborted.
Destination entity '<entity classification code>' has property '<property name>' which has invalid type, operation aborted.

Destination entity has next limitations:
Case 4: Errors which are related to source entity checks.

Source entity '<entity classification code>' with template '<template name>' does not have valid legacy configuration, operation aborted.
Source entity '<entity classification code>' with template '<template name>' does not match its legacy configuration template '<template name>', operation aborted.

Source entity does not represent legacy object, or server legacy configuration is not properly configured. Check and repair legacy configuration trough administration. Also check that source entities actually represent legacy objects and not already transferred entity.

Case 5: Generic errors which are related to source or destination entity checks.

Entity '<entity identifier>' opened in exclusive mode by another user.
Entity '<entity identifier>' cannot be opened in exclusive mode.
Closed entities cannot be edited.
Unable to locate entity '<entity identifier>'.
Insufficient rights to access the entity.
Insufficient rights to access the entity in read-write mode.

First error message indicates, that one of source entities is already opened in exclusive mode. This means that entity is either in process of another object transfer operation or is in process of deletion. Second error message indicates that entity is already present in cache and cannot be opened exclusively. There are many reasons why entity is cached (opened by the same or another user, another operation is using entity for entity info etc.). To successfully finish object transfer operation, entity must be removed from cache. To achieve this, all operations which may hold entity reference must finish (user must close entity, operation which is using entity for entity info must finish etc.). Third error indicates that entity cannot be edited because it status is set to close. Either open it or use another entity. The rest of errors indicates ACL or security class issues. To fix this, change ACL and/or security class accordingly.

Case 6: Uncommon errors which are related to source entity checks.

Source entity '<entity classification code>' with template '<template name>' has references, operation aborted.
Source entity '<entity classification code>' with template '<template name>' is versionable, operation aborted.
Source entity '<entity classification code>' with template '<template name>' is not document, operation aborted.
Operation is not allowed because entity '<entity classification code>' is used in another binary transfer/manage operation.

One of source entity ids points to entity, which is not document, has references, is versionable or is already present in another binary transfer or binary manage operation. If entity is already in binary transfer or binary manage operation, it must end before another operation begin. Other errors represent entity state, which is not common for legacy objects. In most cases it indicates that entity does not represent valid legacy object even if valid legacy configuration exists on IMiS ARChive server. Further investigation must be done to resolve such issues.

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