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IMiS/Storage Connector 10.3.2210 JAVA Interface for IMiS/ARChive v10.3

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA

Case: This is the first release of IMiS/Storage Connector that supports the new IMiS/ARChive 10.3 functionalities such as external identity authentication, user profile identity linking and other features and fixes. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* Added external identity authentication.
* Added user profile identity linking.
* Changed ContentTypeResolver, ContentTypeMapper.
* Changed StorageConnectorException resources type.
* Changed StorageConnector.DEF_PERSISTENT_SESSIONS to false.
* Added SearchOptions.EXACT_MATCH.
* Removed LoginException.
* Added Document.isStorageObject().
* Added IAuthenticatingListener throws Exception.
* Removed AuditQuery unused internal code.

* Fixed Archive.getSession() closed session check.
* Fixed IAStorage.getSession() closed session check.
* Fixed IASessionPool.releaseSession() closed check.
* Fixed Template.evaluatePickListValues() alias locale.
* Fixed IArchive.getCollection() IDeletionStub.

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA' Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA issues when using Advanced (Encrypted) Authentication' IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA issues when using Advanced (Encrypted) Authentication

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