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Problems with IMiS/Scan after upgrading to Domino.Doc 3.5


We have just upgraded a client to DomDoc 3.5 & we have discovered a couple of issues with the Imis scanner . . . We are no longer able to Save scanned documents as a Pdf only as a Tif file - the option to change it is greyed out. Also in the Domument Profile they are no longer able to use a / in the name of the document.

The option to select pdf is not greyed out, it is being ignored, ie pdf is selected as the file type but the software will only save as tif's.


We have reproduced reported problem with IMiS/Scan 2.x and Domino.Doc 3.5.

Since IMiS/Scan is fully ODMA 2.0 compliant, we are going to contact Lotus for additional explanation what's been changed in Domino.Doc 3.5 that our application doesn't work as it should and as it worked with Domino.Doc 3.0/3.1.

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