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IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1706 JAVA Interface Release Candidate

Product:IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA

Case: This release provides new functionalities related to content. Content parts can now be moved, have parents and sub parts, can be detached and queued for index or convert. Also, setting and resolving external identifiers on legacy API was moved from Document to Storage object. Trial version is available for testing purposes at info@imis.si.


What's new:
* new: IContentPart.move() method
* new: IContent.moveParts() method
* new: IContentPart.isIndexed() method
* new: IContentPart.isSigned() method
* new: ContentPartIdType enum
* new: ContentPartIdEncoding enum
* new: StorageConnector.OPTION_CONTENT_PART_IDTYPE option
* new: StorageConnector.OPTION_CONTENT_PART_IDENCODING option
* new: ArchiveFeatures enum
* new: IArchive.getFeatures() method
* new: Archive.getFeatures() method
* change: Document.addExternalId() method removed (replaced by Storage.setExternalObjectId())
* new: IAStorage.setExternalObjectId() method
* new: Storage.setExternalObjectId() method
* new: Storage.resolveExternalObjectId() methods
* new: ContentPartActions flags enum
* new: IContent.manageParts() method
* new: IContentPart.detach() method
* new: IContentPart.getParent() method
* new: IContentPart.getSubParts() method

* fix: logging parameters in IASessionPool.addSession() method fix
* fix: IAObject.initialize() internal method passes null object options parameter to iarcli
* fix: IAStorage.deleteObject() method passes null object options parameter to iarcli
* fix: PickListValue.parse() static method suppresses unchecked warning fix
* fix: IAStorage.storeObject() calling openObject() method with object options parameter
* fix: NullPointerException in Entity.close() method fix

IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1706 JAVA libraries:
* storageconnector.jar 9.8.1706.63
* imisbase.jar 9.7.1706.22
* iarcli.jar 9.7.1706.69
* iacxapi.jar 3.1.1605.34
* Uses J2SE-1.5 (jdk1.5.0_22)

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1704 JAVA Interface' IMiS/Storage Connector 9.8.1704 JAVA Interface Release Candidate
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA' Logging in IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA
Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'All Documents', Document 'IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA issues when using Advanced (Encrypted) Authentication' IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA issues when using Advanced (Encrypted) Authentication

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