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Black edges when scanning in color with Fujitsu fi-6x30

Product:IMiS/Scan, IMiS/Scan++

Case: When scanning in color using Fujitsu fi-6x30 with native ISIS driver or with Kofax VRS black edges can appear that prevent proper blank page removal either by IMiS/Scan internal feature or Kofax VRS Delete Blank Page feature. The black edges are related to enabled Overscan setting on Fujitsu fi-6x30 ISIS driver.


When using IMiS/Scan with native Fujitsu fi-6x30 ISIS driver or over Kofax VRS 5.1 the black edges can appear when scanning in color.

To avoid black edges when scanning in color with Fujitsu fi-6x30, disable ISIS driver "Overscan" setting on Image Processing tab.

Related Documents:

Database 'IMiS Knowledge database', View 'By Product', Document '"Pixtools/View: Decompression library not available" error using Fujitsu fi-6x30' "Pixtools/View: Decompression library not available" error using Fujitsu fi-6x30

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