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PixTWAIN configuration

Product:IMiS/Scan, IMiS/Scan++

Case: How to use TWAIN drivers with IMiS/Scan?


First of all, we do strongly recommend to use ISIS compliant scanner in production environment since ISIS drivers provides better performance and overall control over a scanner. All ISIS drivers are tested in Pixel Translations' lab while PixTWAIN aren't.
The configurator enables your scanner to work with any ISIS driver application. In order to run the configurator, you need to have the twain driver from your scanner vendor to be installed first before running the configuration process. In order for the configurator to work correctly the following files are required: Pixconfg.exe, Pixtwain.pxn, Runtwain.exe
After loading the toolkit the configurator can be accessed in two ways, one is by opening IMiS/Scan and selecting a scanner, which automatically brings up the configurator. Second option click on windows start menu and select Run then type in the path c:\windows\pixtran\pixconfg.exe, which allows you to run the configurator.

Customer can choose to run the configuration process and go through the configuration which normally takes about 5 - 20min depending on your scanner, or the customer can choose to download from our configuration file database which normally takes 1-3min depending on your connection speed.
After going through the configuration, if you are having trouble scanning with your TWAIN scanner, such as if the image is distorted or if the colors appear unusual, selecting certain options in the settings of PixTWAIN configurator may solve the problem.

Clicking on the help menu of PixTWAIN Configurator, will allow you to view the function of these options. Here’s a list of the INI files that are available for download during PixTWAIN setup:

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