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IMiS/wClient 1.3.1904


Case: IMiS/wClient 1.3.1904 is released.


IMiS®/wClient is web client intended for the capture and management of content of electronic origin or content digitalized using scan procedures. The client operates directly with the IMiS®/ARChive Server, which ensures secure long-term storage of documents and archived content along with the corresponding metadata. Users access the content from any web browser via the web client IMiS®/wClient.

Content is structured by the classification scheme, which sorts materials according to their subject, authority, activity, and the business and expert functions of corresponding personnel within the company.

Entities follow a hierarchical order (classes, folders, documents), with practically unlimited sub-levels specified according to need. Each entity in the archive has its own unique classification code.

The IMiS®/wClient can be connected to many IMiS®/ARChive Servers, which facilitates the capture and management of electronic content of several separate organizational units on a single location.

What's new:
* New ACL entry propagated property.
* New view entity effective rights for specified user.
* New review modified by property.
* New directory search.
* New directory paging.
* New entity template switch.
* New settings option entity search maximum elements.
* New view draft source entity versions.
* New import entities.
* New IMiS/wScan.
* New entity template switch.
* New directory entity multi value component.
* New entity search by modified date property.
* New sort entities by modified date.
* New view object by url link
* New objects preview bottom panel.
* New sidebar menu.
* Improved entity move dialog.
* Improved entity create/edit dialog.

* Fixed context menu: submenu unexpectedly disappears.
* Fixed grid more icon visibility.
* Fixed template dropdown style.
* Fixed audit log event.
* Fixed account avatar change refresh.

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